Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! Before we get onto todays post, I want to thank Gracie for covering for me last week! Now lets get to this weeks Rare Item Monday!
This weeks Rare Item Monday is the Rare Trident Necklace.
It is located in Bahari Bay's Bahari Bargains.
I was quite surprised to find this out! I automatically went to Jam-Mart Clothing, only to be told by Gracie to check Bahari Bay! That would have been the very last place I looked, so thank you again Gracie for telling me! But enough about all that, now here is about the item!
It can be found on the fourth page in the underwater store. It is for sale for 900 gems, and it is members only. The colors of this item are blue and white.
Thoughts: I like this weeks Rare Item Monday! I think putting it in a different spot made things interesting. I also do like the colors, although it wouldn't look right on my signature underwater penguin! Overall I think this is a nice item, but since I hardly go underwater, and it being 900 gems, it was an easy pass for me.
Overall I give this weeks Rare Item Monday a 7.
Comment down below what you think!
As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~
Jamaa journal 203.2 Jammer Walls+AWESOME NEW PORTALS!
Hey Jammers! I am sooooo sorry for missing my post last week D: I was super busy that day, and I realized I hadn't done my post as soon as I climbed into bed,
Anyways! As some of you know, ever sense the last update came out, Graham has been tinkering with our Jammer walls!
Oh yeah, also my Jammer Wall takes forever to load.
XD Anyways, here is what it looks like now!
Pretty cool! Except I dont like it how you can only have 3 masterpieces on it now DX
But the picture actually moves :o too bad it takes away your pet accessory's though
Super was not happy about that.
You guys: Uh huh
Me: Cut me some slack! I'm only **
You guys: You're 99?
Me: What?
You guys: You put two *'s.
Me: Yeahhhh?
You guys: Ergo, you are 99
Me: Oki then
Me: Oki then
Anyways! As some of you know, ever sense the last update came out, Graham has been tinkering with our Jammer walls!
Oh yeah, also my Jammer Wall takes forever to load.
XD Anyways, here is what it looks like now!
Pretty cool! Except I dont like it how you can only have 3 masterpieces on it now DX
But the picture actually moves :o too bad it takes away your pet accessory's though
Super was not happy about that.
AHHAHAHAHA SOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blogger portal anybody?
So yeah, pick em' up while you can :D
And another thing..
See the lightbulb? Here's what happens when you click on it
This, is super cool :D
Shoutout to Crazcatlover for gifting me the rest of the portals (:
Also the Animal Jam App came out yesterday! Here is a link to that,
That is all for now! Plaaaaaaaaay Wiiiiiiillllldddddd!

Not really a post sorry! Kara's T-Shirts
Glllllleatings people!
Guess what?!
A few kinda big thing have been going on! :D
2. KARA MADE HER T-SHIRTS :O https://represent.com/store/the-silver-sapphire-shoppe
PERFECT timing Kara! :O
I haven't seen any of it yet, but I am planing on it! :D
Ok, not that all of that is out of the way. XD
I just wanted to share those things with you lol.
And ummm I kinda forgot to post, and tonight I was playing with my dad, I am so sorry guys.
But I PROMISE to get you guys a full post next week, I am so sorry.
I gtg to bed now. So uh byeeee
Guess what?!
A few kinda big thing have been going on! :D
2. KARA MADE HER T-SHIRTS :O https://represent.com/store/the-silver-sapphire-shoppe
PERFECT timing Kara! :O
I haven't seen any of it yet, but I am planing on it! :D
Ok, not that all of that is out of the way. XD
I just wanted to share those things with you lol.
And ummm I kinda forgot to post, and tonight I was playing with my dad, I am so sorry guys.
But I PROMISE to get you guys a full post next week, I am so sorry.
I gtg to bed now. So uh byeeee
The New Animal Jam App, Giveaway Winners, And No 'Follow Your Dreams' Chapter!
Me: Sawubona nabangani be-banana unicorn! Ungabafana kanjani okwenza ngoLwesibili ngoLwesibili ntambama? Ngomuntu siqu, ngenza kahle. Injani impilo?
You guys: Oh dear. Gracie's off on another one. You haven't done an intro in another language in so long! Why are you starting now?! :C
Me: Ngikhuluma Zulu! Ngokwethembeka, angikaze ngizwe ngeZulu. Yiliphi izwe eliyikhuluma ngisho na ?!
You guys: Gracie, we don't understand you at all. Please speak English..
Me: Kuyini isiNgisi?
You guys: What even.. *grabs microphone*
Me: Ungubani amadoda ukuya phezulu?
You guys: *Yell in Gracie's ear* PLEASE SPEAK ENGLISH!!!
You guys: Alright, that's it. We're gonna use Google Translate.
Me: Kulungile.
You guys: Alright.. From the looks of it you're speaking Zulu.. And you're saying "What's English?" O.O? Gracie, you were speaking English just yesterday in your post.
Me: NO I WASN- I mean- cha, bengingekho!
You guys: .....
Me: *is getting very mad*
You guys: Oh dear. Gracie's off on another one. You haven't done an intro in another language in so long! Why are you starting now?! :C
Me: Ngikhuluma Zulu! Ngokwethembeka, angikaze ngizwe ngeZulu. Yiliphi izwe eliyikhuluma ngisho na ?!
You guys: Gracie, we don't understand you at all. Please speak English..
Me: Kuyini isiNgisi?
You guys: What even.. *grabs microphone*
Me: Ungubani amadoda ukuya phezulu?
You guys: *Yell in Gracie's ear* PLEASE SPEAK ENGLISH!!!
You guys: Alright, that's it. We're gonna use Google Translate.
Me: Kulungile.
You guys: Alright.. From the looks of it you're speaking Zulu.. And you're saying "What's English?" O.O? Gracie, you were speaking English just yesterday in your post.
Me: NO I WASN- I mean- cha, bengingekho!
You guys: .....
Me: *is getting very mad*
You guys: You know what.. We're gonna go... o.o
Me: ....
You guys: ....
Me: Uhm
You guys: Yeah.
Me: I'm gonna go post.
You guys: Yeah.
Me: .... Bye
You guys: Yeah.
Me: ....
Okay.. That was just all over the place O.o
Anywho, without further weirdness (hehe), let's get started!
![]() |
Top thumbnail by Snowyclaw, bottom thumbnail by Wisteriamoon. |
Recently, in the Animal Jam YouTubing community, there has been talk about a new Animal Jam app! Now, this app won't be anything like "Animal Jam - Play Wild!", "AJ Jump", or "Tunnel Town". Snowyclaw, in her live-stream, described the app/beta test of the app, as "It's really just the same place*, just a different way to log in."
Animal Jam*
In another words, the app is going to be exactly the same as the website, Animal Jam, just in the form of an app! This is mainly for people, who can't run flash on their laptops/computers.
During Snowyclaw's live-stream, she answered some questions people had asked about this new app. Here's a list of some of the Q&A's, to help you guys understand some things about this app better. ^.^ All the answers in this, were answered by Snowyclaw in her live-stream.
Q: Does it work on Chrome Books?
A: "I'm not sure if it works on Chrome Books, but as long as you're able to download apps, you should be able to work it on a Chrome Book. I'm not totally familiar with Chrome Book."
*Q&A answered on 31:07 on the video entitled "BETA TESTING the new APP livestream + GIVEAWAYS"*
Q: Can you get the app for free?
A: "Yes, the app, the Animal Jam app, is free. It is actually just a little downloaded app that Animal Jam HQ gave to the Jambassadors to do beta testing on. We have a couple days where we do the very initial beta testing of the app itself, cause we don't want there to be really crazy glitches cause that would be very hard for everyone else to use we're just testing it to make sure there aren't any crazy glitches going on and then on July 26th we'll actually have links for you guys to download the apps yourself and test them out, that way everyone gets a chance to beta test it before it is available on the main website."
Location: 31:26
Q: Can it be run on mobile?
A: "No, this is just a computer app for the online version of Animal Jam. The mobile version, Play Wild, is totally separate. It's a very different theme. But, hopefully, with the app, slowly we'll get some improvement with the game."
Location: 34:10
Q: What is the app for? Are they closing down the website? And is it going to be the only way to play Animal Jam?
A: "That is a good question. The app is for people who have issues loading the online version of Animal Jam. It's for the flash, cause flash can be a little hard to use on some computers. So, giving this option will let Jammer's play on their computers if it works better for them. But, they will not be deleting the online Animal Jam. It's just another way to play. "
Location: 1:17:32
Q: How can you tell the difference from the original?
A: "Well, you can't really tell the difference, but it looks a lot cleaner and prettier in the app, and that's really the only difference at the moment. But I'm sure, I'm sure it will get better and better as time goes on."
Location: 1:18:11
So, as Snowyclaw said in the second question I had listed, the app will be available for open beta testing tomorrow! I believe you can get the link to beta test it on Snowyclaw's YouTube channel, or on her website.
It's pretty exciting that soon you will be able to play Animal Jam on an app, rather than just a website.
In the video, Snowy thought it would be cool, to have an offline version of the app, and you can play the arcade games on it, and when you get connected to wifi, you would be able to transfer your gems to your account. I think that might be pretty cool while traveling!
I believe my Mom is going to allow me to beta test the app when it comes out tomorrow, so most likely next weeks post will be regarding the beta test of this app! It will include lots of screenshots of what it looks like, and I will give you the link to download the app. ^.^
What's your thoughts about all this? Will this app be helpful to you? Be sure to comment down below!
As you may or may not know, last week I held a beta giveaway! Yesterday my Mom chose the winners, and I gave out their prizes. The winners are...
🎉 Housemom418 winning the Fly Trap
Sarahkey8 winning the Sewing Machine
Ja983 winning the Bronze Giraffe Statue
Lostfairy winning the Television
Koolestkat winning the Bubblegum Machine
Binx1184 winning the Open Sign
Puppypaws518 winning the RC Car 🎉
Congratulations everyone! I hope you enjoy your prizes! ^.^
Don't feel discouraged if you didn't win this giveaway! I will for sure have more in the near future.
Comment call: What kinds of giveaways would you like to see in the future?
I know normally I post up a "Follow Your Dreams" chapter, but this week, I decided not to. I got sorta delayed with posting, because after I wrote the first part of this post, regarding the Animal Jam app, I took a break, and decided to bake, then I did the dishes, and didn't feel like writing a whole other section of the post. So sorry about that! Next week will be a double feature, I promise 😜.
Here's this weeks Bible verse!
Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Remember, God made YOU!
Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!
Rare Item Monday!
Me: Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here wit-
You guys: WHERE'S COOLCAT??? THIS ISN'T YOUR DAY TO POST GRACIE!!! *Tries to push her out of her chair where she is posting*
Me: Guys guys o.o-
You guys: *Still try to get her to stop posting*
Me: Guuuuys! I'm filling in for Coolcat!
You guys: *Stop pushing* Why? We have to deal with you two days in a row?
Me: -.- Because Coolcat wasn't feeling well, and I got her permission to fill in for her (:
You guys: Aww, that's nice of you (:
Me: Yeah (:
You guys: ...But couldn't you have got Ja, Arctic, or Sarah or somebody to fill in?
Me: You no like me do you? *Makes pouty face*
You guys: It's just uh-
Me: *Starts kicking and screaming*
You guys: You get a bit emotional and uh-
You guys: *Slowly walk away*
You guys: e3e
You guys: WHERE'S COOLCAT??? THIS ISN'T YOUR DAY TO POST GRACIE!!! *Tries to push her out of her chair where she is posting*
Me: Guys guys o.o-
You guys: *Still try to get her to stop posting*
Me: Guuuuys! I'm filling in for Coolcat!
You guys: *Stop pushing* Why? We have to deal with you two days in a row?
Me: -.- Because Coolcat wasn't feeling well, and I got her permission to fill in for her (:
You guys: Aww, that's nice of you (:
Me: Yeah (:
You guys: ...But couldn't you have got Ja, Arctic, or Sarah or somebody to fill in?
Me: You no like me do you? *Makes pouty face*
You guys: It's just uh-
Me: *Starts kicking and screaming*
You guys: You get a bit emotional and uh-
You guys: *Slowly walk away*
You guys: e3e
Mom's reaction to my intro: That's interesting.
Yes, Mom.. Yes, that was interesting..
Anywhooo, today I'm here, filling in for Coolcat, since she isn't feeling very good today. I hope you feel better soon! Please pray, everyone 😊.
Let's get going with today's post!
Today's RIM, is called Extra Salty Rare Popcorn! It's located in Jam-Mart-Furniture on the seventh page, it's priced at 444 gems, and is for all Jammer's!
Seem's like an item that would come out in April, for April Fool's Day, rather than July, but it's still a funny/cute little item. Slightly reminds me of when AJHQ played a little joke, and came out with the "Smol" Top Hat, hehe!
What's your thoughts on this item? I, personally, am pretty happy this item is for all Jammer's!
Don't forget to get this item today, and today only!
If you're viewing this post a day late, and didn't get to buy the RIM, I bought about 18 of them on LCJ's account, and would be more than happy to give them out if you need one!
With that, here's todays Bible verse!
John 8:32
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
A short, but powerful verse!
Remember, God made YOU!
Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!
P.S. Stay tuned tomorrow for a special little post, announcing the giveaway winners, and talking about the Animal Jam app? An app that isn't Play Wild, Tunnel Town, or AJ Jump.. A brand new app, that's just for computers!
Jammer Sundae #86
*EDIT: This post has now been updated!
Grrrrreetings Jammers! How's it going? Hope you're doing well!
For me, it's been a pretty long week, but still good otherwise. Anyway, let's get on with the post!
Today in Jamaa we have a returning item: The Mechanical Speaker!
Cool! I've never really liked the mechanical item series. However, if it's your thing- go buy one! Also, the Graham items are leaving by tomorrow - so go pick them up while you still can!
First, whole bunches of nope:
Somebody is up to some mischief:
What a beautiful view!
And now, it's time for the factual part of our post!
Our word of the day:
Aglifft: Frightened or alarmed
Spiders cause me great sensations of aglifft.
Our fact of the day:
Ketchup was used as medicine back in the 1930's.
Gotta get that mustard and medicine on your hotdog! Yummy!
That's all for this week, friends. See you soon!
Grrrrreetings Jammers! How's it going? Hope you're doing well!
For me, it's been a pretty long week, but still good otherwise. Anyway, let's get on with the post!
Today in Jamaa we have a returning item: The Mechanical Speaker!
Cool! I've never really liked the mechanical item series. However, if it's your thing- go buy one! Also, the Graham items are leaving by tomorrow - so go pick them up while you still can!
Plans for this week? Hmm... We'll just see where this Sundae goes!
First, whole bunches of nope:
thefunnybeaver.com |
thefunnybeaver.com |
unirazzi.com |
![]() |
themetapicture.com |
Our word of the day:
Aglifft: Frightened or alarmed
Spiders cause me great sensations of aglifft.
Our fact of the day:
Ketchup was used as medicine back in the 1930's.
Gotta get that mustard and medicine on your hotdog! Yummy!
That's all for this week, friends. See you soon!
Send me a lemon at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !
Short post, Party times.
Hey everyone, Aj has pretty stopped working for us. ....
I'm going to ask my Dad about it tonight, hopefully he can fix it, if not, hopefully the computers fix it themselves.
If not, we will hardly be able to be on AJ.
Now, most of you know, I am planing to have a party early August, there is one computer working for AJ right now.
I am hoping that one lasts for another month. if it doesn't, and my dad can't fix the computers. I might have to cancel the party! D:
And sense AJ is hardly working, this post will be short.
I need to ask some of you guys something, in case the party
Right now, I am planing to have the party, either on August 5th, or August 12th.
Tell me which day, and time, works best for you.
Most people, that I have talked to, have answered the 12th in the afternoon.
SO, so far the party is going to be on the 12th, but still please comment what works better!
Den Beta Giveaway, And 'Follow Your Dreams' Chapter 4!
Me: *Steps on stage behind microphone* *nervously taps microphone*
You guys: Gracie? What are you doing? O.O
Me: *Hears piano start playing*
You guys: What on earth.. WHAT IS THIS?
Me: *Squeaky voice* SIIIIILENT NIIIIIGHT *voice gets worse* HOOOOOLY NIIIIIIGHT *voice just gets worse* ALLLLL IS CAAAAAAAALM-
You guys: *Stands on auditorium seats* GRACIE STOP! IT'S NOT EVEN CHRISTMAS TIME!
Me: *Stops singing* It isn't..?
You guys: It's July 18th..
You guys: It's not April o...o
Me: Oh.
You guys: How can you even sing like that, since just last week you were sick?
Me: I was sick?
You guys: Oh brother. *Walks away*
Me: *Screams into microphone* COME BAAAAACK!!
You guys: *Start walking away faster*
Before I knew it, it was Friday. Today was the day me and my parents were going to the airport, and flying out to Boston. I dragged my filled suitcase out into the living room at the crack of dawn, and leaned it against the wall. I plopped down on the top of the suitcase, and waited for my parents to finish their last minute packing. A few minutes later, they both came out from the master bedroom, both dragging in a suitcase. "Ready?" Mom asked with a smile. I frowned slightly. "Ready as I'll ever be." I mumbled under my breath. As we headed out the door, I realized my phone was ringing. I pulled it out, and realized that my friend Ja was calling. "Hello?" I said, my pace slowing as I headed towards our blue mini van. "Hey, uh- there's been a slight change of plans for the Boston trip.." Ja said with hesitation in her voice. Ja had told me earlier in the week, that Sarah and Ja's parents would drive them up to Boston, but now, I had no idea what was going on. "Why? What's wrong?" I asked nervously. "My parents were going to drive me and Sarah up for JamCon, but we have two flat tires on our car. We looked, and it seems like someone punctured it on purpose, we don't know who though." Ja said with a frown. "Oh gosh. Can you guys get it fix-" I began, but Ja quickly jumped in. "No, not until Monday." Ja said sadly. I felt as if I was about to go into a state of panic. Ja and Sarah were the only blogger's that were going to be able to make it to JamCon, but now they couldn't. My best friend Coolcat said she couldn't make it either, which made me super nervous even then. I sighed deeply. "I really wish you guys could make it. Is there anyway you guys could rent a car, or catch the train or something?" I asked hopefully. "No. We can't make it at all." Ja said, her voice sounding like she was going to cry. "It's alright I suppose. I'll send you and the blogger's pictures." I said with a slight smile. "Okay. Hope everything goes well, Gracie. Talk to you when you get back." Ja said, smiling. "Bye!" I said, hanging up. My parents had already put the suitcases in the car, so all that was left to do, was to head to the airport. I climbed into the mini van seat, and secured the car strap around me. As we head down the road, I silently prayed. "Lord, please let everything go good at JamCon, and please let one of my friends make it.. Somehow, someway. Amen."
You guys: Gracie? What are you doing? O.O
Me: *Hears piano start playing*
You guys: What on earth.. WHAT IS THIS?
Me: *Squeaky voice* SIIIIILENT NIIIIIGHT *voice gets worse* HOOOOOLY NIIIIIIGHT *voice just gets worse* ALLLLL IS CAAAAAAAALM-
You guys: *Stands on auditorium seats* GRACIE STOP! IT'S NOT EVEN CHRISTMAS TIME!
Me: *Stops singing* It isn't..?
You guys: It's July 18th..
You guys: It's not April o...o
Me: Oh.
You guys: How can you even sing like that, since just last week you were sick?
Me: I was sick?
You guys: Oh brother. *Walks away*
Me: *Screams into microphone* COME BAAAAACK!!
You guys: *Start walking away faster*
Heh.. I don't know what happened up there..
Indeed, last week, I was sick. I had a really bad cold, and I still don't feel 100%, but thankfully now it's just a little cough, and a stuffy nose. Nothing to keep me from posting 😊. Huge thanks to my best friend, Coolcat, for covering me while I was sick! I really appreciate it. I was feeling no where near well enough to post, since I had a low grade fever.
Anywho, let's get going with today's post!
After watching AJHQ's live-stream, where Kate and Snowyclaw gave away a bunch of betas, I thought it would be fun to have a similar event. So, without any further ado, let me tell you all the information you need to know about this giveaway! ^.^
I will be giving away these seven items, one each, to seven people.
All you have to do to get one of these items, is comment down below, JAG me, or meet with me on Animal Jam, stating your username, and status (non-member or member). Though you cannot choose which item you want if you win, you can tell me what item you like, and I'll keep it in consideration to give you that item if you win. 😀
You have from today, until July 24th (Monday), to enter, and I will be announcing the winners next Tuesday, and giving out the prizes!
My Mom will be choosing the winners, but I'll be deciding who gets what prize.
Please be kind when entering, don't use backup accounts to enter, and most importantly, have fun! Don't be discouraged if you don't win. This is all for fun, and to make someones day a little more brighter. 😊
All in all, I believe getting all these items took about 2-3 days.. I began with a rare short pink wristband, then traded that for, I believe three den betas. Then I don't remember what I traded, but I got a robot beta, and traded the robot, and one of the betas I got for the wristband, for yet another wristband, and traded that for 3 betas, so at that moment I had 5 den betas. Then I traded a rare stegosaurus tail for the sewing machine, then I traded candy cane socks for the bubblegum machine.. So uh-
You guys: *Blink blink*
Heh, moving on..
I hope you all have a great time entering!
Now for the weekly chapter of 'Follow Your Dreams'!
Chapter 4
Before I knew it, it was Friday. Today was the day me and my parents were going to the airport, and flying out to Boston. I dragged my filled suitcase out into the living room at the crack of dawn, and leaned it against the wall. I plopped down on the top of the suitcase, and waited for my parents to finish their last minute packing. A few minutes later, they both came out from the master bedroom, both dragging in a suitcase. "Ready?" Mom asked with a smile. I frowned slightly. "Ready as I'll ever be." I mumbled under my breath. As we headed out the door, I realized my phone was ringing. I pulled it out, and realized that my friend Ja was calling. "Hello?" I said, my pace slowing as I headed towards our blue mini van. "Hey, uh- there's been a slight change of plans for the Boston trip.." Ja said with hesitation in her voice. Ja had told me earlier in the week, that Sarah and Ja's parents would drive them up to Boston, but now, I had no idea what was going on. "Why? What's wrong?" I asked nervously. "My parents were going to drive me and Sarah up for JamCon, but we have two flat tires on our car. We looked, and it seems like someone punctured it on purpose, we don't know who though." Ja said with a frown. "Oh gosh. Can you guys get it fix-" I began, but Ja quickly jumped in. "No, not until Monday." Ja said sadly. I felt as if I was about to go into a state of panic. Ja and Sarah were the only blogger's that were going to be able to make it to JamCon, but now they couldn't. My best friend Coolcat said she couldn't make it either, which made me super nervous even then. I sighed deeply. "I really wish you guys could make it. Is there anyway you guys could rent a car, or catch the train or something?" I asked hopefully. "No. We can't make it at all." Ja said, her voice sounding like she was going to cry. "It's alright I suppose. I'll send you and the blogger's pictures." I said with a slight smile. "Okay. Hope everything goes well, Gracie. Talk to you when you get back." Ja said, smiling. "Bye!" I said, hanging up. My parents had already put the suitcases in the car, so all that was left to do, was to head to the airport. I climbed into the mini van seat, and secured the car strap around me. As we head down the road, I silently prayed. "Lord, please let everything go good at JamCon, and please let one of my friends make it.. Somehow, someway. Amen."
The plane trip went well, and everything seemed to be going okay. I dropped my suitcase on the floor next to the large queen sized bed. We were staying at the Kimpton Nine Zero Hotel, just like me and the YouTubers did when I came to Boston the first time. "We should probably go to bed early. We have a busy day in front of us." Mom said, as she stepped out of the bathroom, with her pajamas on. I looked at the time, and saw it was 10:30 PM. "Yeah, that'd probably be good." Dad agreed. I nodded. With that, we all prayed, and turned in for the night. There was no question about it, it was going to be a busy day tomorrow, and I was dreading it.
What do you think is going to happen next? Will one of blogger's show up after all? Be sure to comment your guesses down below!
Here's this weeks Bible verse!
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Either way, Christ's love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. 15 He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.
Either way, Christ's love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. 15 He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.
Remember, God made YOU!
Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!
P.S. Sorry this blog post is so late! Me and my parents went out to lunch with my brother and sister-in-law, then we did some grocery shopping. The grocery shopping trip is a blog post in itself.. O.o Let's just say, I embarrassed myself like twice. Ehehe..
Rare Item Monday! + Recycle Challenge! (Epic Fail)
Hey, Jammer's! Its CoolCat here with another post! Before we get onto this weeks Rare Item Monday, I would like to share my results of the recycle challenge!
I failed big time. I didn't even reach 20,000 gems. It turns out to be a lot harder then it looks like! But it did help me get rid of extra items, and to get extra gems!
I recycled 23 clothing items and got 13,345 gems in return. And then I recycled 15 den items and I got 2,250 gems in return. I would say that is an epic fail!
How did you do? Did you get over 20,000 gems? Did you get over 50,000 gems? Let me know down below in the comments!
Now onto this weeks Rare Item Monday!
This weeks Rare Item Monday is the Rare Nunchucks!
This weeks Rare Item Monday is surprisingly in Coral Canyons Epic Wonders. It can be found on the fourth page in the clothing store. It is for sale for 4,500 gems and it is members only. The colors of this item is purple, red, and green.
I am honestly not a big fan of this weeks RIM, and the colors are just off for me. Although I like the concept, I think its the random colors and the prices that do it for me. I guess it could be used to role play in the forest, but good luck trying to make a warrior outfit with it. Its going to be priced at 4,500 gems and have random colors? No thanks. Non members, you aren't missing out!
Overall I give this weeks Rare Item Monday a 4. Comment what you think!
As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~
I failed big time. I didn't even reach 20,000 gems. It turns out to be a lot harder then it looks like! But it did help me get rid of extra items, and to get extra gems!
I recycled 23 clothing items and got 13,345 gems in return. And then I recycled 15 den items and I got 2,250 gems in return. I would say that is an epic fail!
How did you do? Did you get over 20,000 gems? Did you get over 50,000 gems? Let me know down below in the comments!
Now onto this weeks Rare Item Monday!
This weeks Rare Item Monday is the Rare Nunchucks!
This weeks Rare Item Monday is surprisingly in Coral Canyons Epic Wonders. It can be found on the fourth page in the clothing store. It is for sale for 4,500 gems and it is members only. The colors of this item is purple, red, and green.
I am honestly not a big fan of this weeks RIM, and the colors are just off for me. Although I like the concept, I think its the random colors and the prices that do it for me. I guess it could be used to role play in the forest, but good luck trying to make a warrior outfit with it. Its going to be priced at 4,500 gems and have random colors? No thanks. Non members, you aren't missing out!
Overall I give this weeks Rare Item Monday a 4. Comment what you think!
As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~
Jammer Sundae #85
85 Jammer Sundaes already? That's crazy man! Give it a couple more months and we'll hit 100!
Eek! I love the little baby dragon inside of the egg! Hi there little dude! *dragon starts breathing lemons* AAH, NO WAIT STOP! *continues getting pelted by lemons*
Hey Jammers, Arctic here! This post is a tad bit later than usual... or is it early? I really can't tell at the moment. Anyway, this post is a bit off schedule - sorry about that!
Today, we have two returning items in Jamaa - the Mechanical Dragon Egg and the Pillbox Hat!
Eek! I love the little baby dragon inside of the egg! Hi there little dude! *dragon starts breathing lemons* AAH, NO WAIT STOP! *continues getting pelted by lemons*
Anyway, the pillbox hat is also a returning item. I always thought the feathers on the end looked sorta like bananas. Is that just me?
In other news, the Beta party is leaving very soon! Go check one out if you haven't already! Personally, I prefer the items from last year, but the party itself is still pretty fun. Grab some buddies and go have a blast from the past!
And now, it's time for today's Jammer Sundae!
We'll just see where this goes!
This guy isn't taking nonsense from anyone:
Heh heh, this one's for you Ja!
This takes guilting to a whole new level:
That's all for this Sundae!
Our word of the day:
Flibbertigibbet: Someone who is extremely talkative.
Cool word!
Our fact of the day:
The average person spends 38 days of their life brushing their teeth.
Huh. Guess that all really adds up!
That's all for today folks, see you soon!
boredpanda.com |
Heh heh, this one's for you Ja!
boredpanda.com |
That's all for this Sundae!
Our word of the day:
Flibbertigibbet: Someone who is extremely talkative.
Cool word!
Our fact of the day:
The average person spends 38 days of their life brushing their teeth.
Huh. Guess that all really adds up!
That's all for today folks, see you soon!
Send me a lemon at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !
Mechanical Dragon, Stereotypical Jamaa Township and Jammer Central Hidden Words
Hey guys! It's Penguin and I'm back for another update post. I jut recently found out I'm going on vacation in August, and I was busy starting to pack yesterday. Let's get into the updates now! The new item is in Jam mart Furniture.
Secondly, when I was in Jamaa Township, I believe I spotted the most stereotypical crowd.
Everyone here is saying common phrases seen everywhere. It's just kinda funny to me. Finally, on Jammer Central, there are some really weird words. I've seen them before, but never mentioned them. They're written in an unknown language, though. Do you think this is more "Jamaasian Language"?
I'm going to go now, but I'll be back in my next post. Bye!Recent News + Short Story (Part 1)
Oh my gosh, I don't know what happened to me. After deciding whether I should leave or stay, I have come up to the conclusion to stay here. School has been a pain, but now I have solved that problem!
Kinq: it sounds the same but it's a diff word ba dum tishhh
- - - - -
But, let's not talk about it. I have some Animal Jam news to share!
I don't know if this had been posted, but we have the new Beta Party! I feel like this party was here on Animal Jam before, but it's kinda good to have a coming back party!
The Beta Party will only be in this weekend only! So check it out, but first - I have done an interview with my friend about the Beta Party.
Me: What do you think about the Beta Party?
Blossom: It's a waste
Me: Why do you think so?
Blossom: I don't know why AJ is even bringing back the party, especially with things that aren't even beta. It's a useless party to all Jammers there's basically no point for the party ://
Me: Okay, so in your opinion, what do you think AJ should add/ implement that's better than the Beta Party?
* here come my friend *
Kinq: not the beta party lmAO
Kinq: a......... better party! AHAHAHAHA
Kinq: it sounds the same but it's a diff word ba dum tishhh
* another friend pops out *
Rua: Pff, for that question. More ways to customize your animal, more name choices, more parties, more spots, secrets(?)
Okay, we all got it now - onto the next one!
- - - - -
We have a cool new item in stores! (also mentioning the flower cape) This one seriously resembles Twilight Sparkle! - my little pony theme song -
- tracks stops mid way -
Sorry there.
This one only cost 900 gems, in different variety of colors!
If only this was non-member :')
Not to forget, we also have some new items in the den shop as well!
These items look sick, great for summery themed dens to be honest! And what's good about it is that they are cheap!
Lastly, we have Mira's Pendant on the diamond shop only for 1 diamond! But..... * sees the member lock * it's.. for.. members...
- - - - -
Since I covered a lot of the recent news in Animal Jam, I have here a story I uploaded on AJ Amino!
Unexpected Visit, Old Friend
(Part 1)
Even until this day,
I have made more troubles than what I intend to. Now, I am facing a great thing
- that I should have paid respect and gratitude..
There is a new war
starting in Jamaa, all Jammers were afraid, so they started to pack and leave
for safety early as possible.
The Alphas had been
working their paws out to make up the perfect plan to go against the Phantoms.
They had been doing research on a recently caught Phantom outside of Jamaa, and
what they found out would change everything.
"Dear Phantoms,
after our many failed attempts of attacking and raiding Jamaa; I, the Phantom
King had invented a new technology!" bellowed the Phantom King to his
soldiers listening from below, he ordered a certain Phantom and out came their
newest technology.
That "newest
technology" the Phantom King had talked about and planned on so many
months was a simple tube - connected to some sort of chemical. The chemical was
green, but every after 5 minutes it would change color to red, blue, purple,
black, and white.
What they don't know
- including the Phantom King himself that those colors meant something,
something historical.
"This, my dear
Phantoms, is what you call the Regenerator! It will give you many powers,
powers that can swipe a whole kingdom away!" He gave out a menacing laugh,
this was too exciting for him. As the King, he wants to get the powers first -
well, most of it. He wants to show that he can fight and win this upcoming war.
The Phantoms murmured
and discussed the machine, fortunately to the King; they all agreed it would be
a good idea.
"But how are we
so sure it would work?"
The king's trance
stopped by those words. Are his soldiers doubting him? What about those
agreements they took on?
"Silence! It
does work! It does!" He screamed practically making a huge gust of wind
because of his enormous size; it almost blew all his soldiers off.
But meters away from
that chaotic kingdom out came a female wolf named Faun. She was a soldier of
Jamaa, right now in duty for Phantoms. Ever since the discovery of the Alphas,
she has doubted them that things are going to end soon.
Her family cried for
her name, cried to come back - but she-she wants to protect Jamaa; for her
family, and for a second there she thought it was worth to do so.
That thought
threatened to spill tears, but she won't let herself down. If she thinks it is
worth it, then let her make it be.
Her duty stops after
1 more hour, and she hasn't found any single Phantom yet. Greely had said that
a wave of Phantoms are going to attack and that their might be some scouts
wandering. But, there is none.
Sighing, she turned
around; maybe ditching for a few minutes would be alright - I mean there was no
sign of any Phantoms?
Until.. A spark was
heard. On instinct she took out her metal sword, making a hard and yet smooth
sound. "Who goes there?" Faun yelled, but no answer - but a spark
instead. The bushes ruffled, and inside was a Phantom, no; inside was a full
wave of Phantoms.
- - - - -
Thank you for reaching the end everyone! See you all next Friday!
- - - - -
Thank you for reaching the end everyone! See you all next Friday!
Jamaa Journal Vo. 202.2 Wild Weekand!
Hey Jammers! I'm sorry for the late post, the reason why it is late is because: In the morning, for our school, me and my siblings weeded the garden, once we were done with that, we got to go swimming in the river!
Which was super duper fun :D Then once we were done swimming, we took showers/baths, ate lunch, then we went to the library, and I got a cool notebook, m&ms and some weird sticker things with my Book Bucks, because there is an event at my library where basically if you read 15 minutes a day (It started in June) for ever 3 days (I think it was 3 days) you would receive a Book Buck! Which you can use to buy little trinkets such as balloons, erasers, pencils, candy, little plastic (or rubber) frogs and snacks, squirt guns, stuff like that :D
And there was candy of course, in August there is a "Reading Carnival" which is really fun and you use your Book Bucks to enter games and win prizes (There is always a bouncy house too :D) Sooo yeah! It was fun :P And then after that, we got home, had to clean up because a person was coming to take a bed, so I spent like 2 hours cleaning XD Once I was done, Animal Jam wasn't working so I played Minecraft with my siblings, then we went to a soft ball game at 5:00, and I just got home from that, like 15 minutes ago, so my day has been eventful :P
Today, is another Wild Weekend!
<-- From the Daily Explorer :P
Beta party is back! The party hasn't changed but the items have..
I hate that fence sooo much, I brought a lot of it, because I thought it looked amazing! But you can't rotate it, which makes me sooo mad! GRRR AJHQ
Welllll that is all for now, sorry for the short post guys :P Its really late, and I want to play Animal Jam (Or minecraft) Byeee!
Which was super duper fun :D Then once we were done swimming, we took showers/baths, ate lunch, then we went to the library, and I got a cool notebook, m&ms and some weird sticker things with my Book Bucks, because there is an event at my library where basically if you read 15 minutes a day (It started in June) for ever 3 days (I think it was 3 days) you would receive a Book Buck! Which you can use to buy little trinkets such as balloons, erasers, pencils, candy, little plastic (or rubber) frogs and snacks, squirt guns, stuff like that :D
And there was candy of course, in August there is a "Reading Carnival" which is really fun and you use your Book Bucks to enter games and win prizes (There is always a bouncy house too :D) Sooo yeah! It was fun :P And then after that, we got home, had to clean up because a person was coming to take a bed, so I spent like 2 hours cleaning XD Once I was done, Animal Jam wasn't working so I played Minecraft with my siblings, then we went to a soft ball game at 5:00, and I just got home from that, like 15 minutes ago, so my day has been eventful :P
Today, is another Wild Weekend!

Phto Credit Animal Jam Whip |
Photo credt Animal Jam Whip |
Welllll that is all for now, sorry for the short post guys :P Its really late, and I want to play Animal Jam (Or minecraft) Byeee!

Animal Jam Artists Collaborative, Random Animal Jam Pictures
Greetings everyone, today I will sharing some memories with ya'll.
People do this every once and a while to kinda clear out old pictures and things. And that's kinda what I'm doing. XD
People do this every once and a while to kinda clear out old pictures and things. And that's kinda what I'm doing. XD
This was for I think last years Fez day, and this was my entry.
Wired glitch. XD
National Geographic magazines in the Chamber of knowledge

I finished this yesterday for Crazcatlover. :D
If anyone wants a ----gle, comment below, what you want your name to be. :)
When my plushie den featured on the AJ Whip. :P
It's highlighted bc I was showing it to my mom. lol
Da fishy on Tierney's Aquarium. :P
Uhhh Coral Canyon picture from vacation? XD
o,o Idk who this is, but this, is a random picture I found in the aj picture files.
I think this is just edited, but this is is still weird.
Pictures from my book. That I entered for Gracies story contest.
I think I was taking a picture of the arctic fox carving?
Omg I remember this!
For everyone else, they were in the ice den, for me, I was in the Masterpiece den! And I could move around and stuff, and I could see all the den items in really weird places! LOL
Um this isn't AJ, but It was on this computer. XD
A Gingerbread house we did last year!
it was really fun to do. I will not show the other side, bc Tox did that side, and it looks HORRIBLE.
He ruined it! :(
And that is all for pictures!
Omg on this computer I found some SUPER DUPER CUTE PICTURES OF BOOOOO
I wish SO bad I could show you guys!!! D:
Now, before I go, I want to announce that Crazcatlover, just made a new blog named
And she is looking for new authors, and you could be one of them, so check it out!

*Husky Ninja