JAG'S From The Past


XD I loaf just weird intro's.
Now, Today I will be showing you Jag's I got a long time ago. Just some nice little memories I'd like to share.
and there are 27 JAG's I'm going to be showing, so even the way I'm doing it, might be kinda long.

"Congrautulations on being the newest Author on the Animal Jam Community!" From Graciepopstar91 
From last week, along with the jag She gave me Diamond on Display. Ty Gracie!

Next we have just a Masterpiece has been approved, I just kept one, I am not sure why. :P

"I love your masterpiece!"
Why tank ya!
I think I got that when I was trying to get all my art to 100 likes. 

"You art is really good" 
Why tank ya!
Another complement, I keep all complements, just kinda encourage me. :) 

"Congrats, you are the Jammer of the month on the Animal Jam Sky!" 
From Scooter! 

"Nice Den Aye" 
Why tank ya!
Yarw! I got a letter from a pirate ARGH! :P

I8ayummycake auto! :D

"OMG that is a really good horse masterpiece!" 
Why tank ya!
Can't make another copy cuz of the masterpiece glitch. :C


Cute Art!! AJHQ
My AJHQ auto! 
That was from when I sent them my husky MP, and they put it in there den!
I think it got around 500 likes?
If anyone ever sees it, PLEASE tell me their user!! 

"I love your horse masterpiece!"
Why tank ya!

"That is a really cool Masterpiece!" 

"Kara is on the epic dens list!"
That was a funny time. Kara was sitting in her den and random people just started coming, and she was like "what?" LOL

Why tank ya! 

"Checkout the Animal Jam Whiplash boggle! (lol boggle)  U R featured on it today!" 


"Plushie Fanatic" 
Why Tank ya!

Why tank ya! 

"Your den is so cool and epic!!!!!"
Why tank ya! 

"Your post are amazing!"
Why tank ya!
This was when I did some "COOL ANIMAL FACTS WITH KING TOUGH BUNNY!" On the Daily Explorer. I don't really do comments on there any more cuz I just don't have the time. lol

"I really like your den!"
Why tank ya!

"I love ur facts" 
Why tank ya!


"Awesome den" 
Why tank ya!

"Your artwork has been featured in Jammatownship! 
I think this was my second time that happened. :)

"How long did it take you get all them plushies?" 
Hmmmm I am not sure lol XD

"Omg i am speechless right now! Ur den is full of plushies!!! so cool!!
This is from a fan explained by the last jag. 

"You den looks even better now !!!!!!!"
Why tank ya!

"Omg I saw the video of your epic plushie den omg!!! SOOOOO cooool!" 

Yes I was on youtube a long time ago the person took it down though XD. 
it's name was THE PLUSHIE MAN! (Even though I was girl LOL)

And dat is all for today peeps! 
Hope ya enjoyed lookin at me jags! 
(Next week I think we'll look at some of my old masterpieces) :P 

*King Tough Bunny 

Isaiah 43:2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

More Mom-Popstar Madness (With Frozen!), Squash Chair, And 'We Are The Bloggers' Chapter 8 - The Final Chapter!

Me: Bonjour! Hola! Hallo! Hej! Nnọọ! Salve! Hello! Aloha! Bongu! Habari! Hei! Moni! Merhaba! Salama! Buna! Ahoj!
Me: The one that says hello.. e3e
You guys: .................Yeah huh.
Me: e3e
You guys: Why did you say 'nnoo'..?
Me: It tis' Igbo. I think I accidentally said 'very', though..
You guys: What on earth is igbo?! Is it an igloo?
Me: Guuuuuys... It's a languageeee!
You guys: NO. IT'S AN IGLOO.
Me: Argue all ya want, but it's a language..
You guys: IT'S AN IGLOO!
Me: Language.
You guys: IGLOO!
Me: Language.
You guys: IGLOO!
Me: Igloo.
You guys: LANGUAGE!
You guys: Oopsy..


Erm- that was-


Well, anyways, welcome to your Tuesday post! Apologies that I'm doing such a late post. I woke up at 10:00 AM, and was playing Animal Jam a lot today, and time slipped away from me. I almost forgot to eat lunch 😳.


Let's get on with today's post!

Yesterday, I was on with my good friend Frozen (lpslover98989), and my Mom (littlecooljammer)! We were going to go to the Summer Carnival like we always do, but I wasn't really feeling like playing those games, and Frozen had a good idea of something we could do together..

She thought it would be fun to go in the township together, yelling "LCJ! LCJ!". I've done this with my Mom multiple times at the Summer Carnival, but I didn't really get any people. But with Frozen's help, why not go for it?

So we followed Mom-Popstar to Jamaa Township, and, in short, we had a blast.

Frozen got an original LCJ autograph 😧.. *Is jealous*

One of her 'fans', also got an autograph! You probably just made her day, Mom. 😉

Oh dear, looks like her fan wanted another autograph.. Me and my Mom were discussing what everyone was saying offline, and she asked if she should give her another one, or if famous Jammer's don't do that.
I don't think they do that.. So I told her not to.. 😜

We were seriously laughing so hard.

Alright, this photo, and the one below, have to be my favorites! "She was on the news for her amazingness". Shh.. She was on the news for Mother's Day..

This was just downright hilarious. My Mom is this Jammer's hero. I'm trying not to laugh as I re-read what this Jammer said.. Hehe!

Yes! It's really her!

Frozen brought her backup, and we tried to draw more fans.

Why I'm wearing Nerd Glasses in this photo, is because my Mom said "Get on your nerd glasses!". It's her new Animal Jam slogan 😆.

Another extremely funny one.. "Cool Jammer is a role model". All these people, I'm sure, just heard about her today.. And now they are completely stunned they are among them. Ah, I love these people on Animal Jam. They're easy to please..

It also seems we have got quite a big crowd! Probably half of these people were overly confused.. But that's okay..

Attempting to get her fans, while LCJ plays marbles with one of her #1 fans..

My Mom wasn't sure if she should buddy them or not, because I told her how famous Jammer's don't normally buddy people. But then I decided that she should, because I super-badly wanted to see their reaction.

(I also find this funny, because this fox used her nickname, 'LCJ'.)

Here we go!

Alright, I think this person is getting too excited..

Ohhh my goodness gracious! This was a priceless moment in Animal Jam Mom-Popstar history.

Just some more excitement..

Indeed you are!

It's LCJ! 
Everyones heard of her..
Uhm, anyways.

We had so much fun last night, and it was certainly a night to remember. We're going to try doing this again tonight. Be prepared later tonight for a post edit, with a picture of absolute craziness. 😌


As a side-topic, I found a strange item on someone's trade list. A very rare, hard-to-find item, that I'm guessing only a few people probably have. 

The legendary, Squash Chair!

It was honestly a shock finding this item, because I thought only Wisteriamoon had this item. This strange item, is owned by Guccirares. I went to their den, and asked them if they could put it in their den for me. Here's a photo I got of it,

According to Animal Jam Wiki, this item was released December 2014, but was taken out of stores shortly after.
That's probably the reason it's so rare.

Thanks for showing me this, Gucci!
A picture of Guccirare's sitting in their chair. Gucci, and another Jammer, said that these are worth about 16 Black Longs. Seems like a crazy amount, and I'm wondering if people really trade that much for it.

What do you think? Do you think people would really trade that much for it? I'd love to hear your thoughts down in the comment section below!


Now for the last chapter of 'We Are The Bloggers'! Not to worry, I have a little plan for a third story.


Chapter 8

I finally made my way to the old abandoned skyscraper, in the heart of Boston. I took a deep breath, and slowly turned the handle. To my surprise, it was unlocked. As I stepped into the rusted out building, and closed the huge door, I noticed a drawing framed, and hung on the left wall. I walked closer to it, and slowly drew my hand on the frame. The drawing looked like it was of a portal, that looked almost identical to the pink portal I stepped into, which led me into the future. As soon as I touched the middle of the frame, the wall expanded, revealing a white portal. I gasped, as I stared at it. Before I could do anything else, the door cracked open, and Kate came running inside the building. I groaned slightly, as I saw Snowyclaw right behind her. "Gracie, wait!" Kate exclaimed, as I begun to stick my hand through the portal. She ran over to me, and grabbed my arm. A dizzying feeling came over me, not sure what to do next. "You're going back to the hotel. You shouldn't be roaming the streets of Boston by yourself." Kate warned. I bit my lip. "I'm sorry, but I have to. This is the only way I can get back." I said, freeing myself from Kate's grasp. "Get back where?" Snowy asked me, curiously. I realized that even if I told them what happened, they wouldn't believe me. The two stared at me, waiting for me to speak. I tightened my grip on the compass I had found, that I was still holding. I slowly jumped through the portal, and as I did, it felt as if the ground was shaking. I was floating through the portal, and I could see a bright light shining at the end. I squinted my eyes, and saw the seven Blogger's, floating through the portal. As I got closer near them, we all got pushed into Fan-man, and Cheetah's Blogger Portal Land. Tears filled my eyes, as I saw my Blogger friends. "How did all of you get back here?" Fan-man asked with anger, as he stared at the eight of us. I ignored his question, not really sure how to answer it. I looked down at my hands, and realized that the compass I was holding, had turned into a remote of some-sort. Curious, I clicked the first button on the remote. I gasped, as I saw all of the portals disappear from this strange land. "No!" Cheetah yelped, as she looked around the room. I clicked another one, and all of the equipment vanished. I clicked another one, and Fan-man and Cheetah both, disappeared. I clicked the last button, and I realized I was in my room, slowly blinking my eyes open. I breathed heavily, and sat up. "I dreamt that all?" I asked myself in disbelief. Never before have I had such a vivid, strange dream like that before. I immediately jumped up, and ran to my closet. There was no portals to be seen, but there was a strange note attached to the wall, that only had one sentence on it. "Don't give up, follow your dreams." I had no idea who left that note there, but there was no question about it. I was going to find out.

The End.


It was a dream? What could this note mean? Be sure to comment down below what you think!


Heres this weeks Bible verse!

Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Remember, God made YOU!

Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!

Rare Item Monday!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! I am sorry for not posting! My Nana has been in the hospital 15 days today, and I have been very busy visiting her. But the good news is she will be released from the hospital in a few days! I also want to thank Gracie for filling in for me last week!

But now lets get onto this weeks Rare Item Monday!

This weeks Rare Item Monday is the Rare Designer Skirt! It is located in Jamaa Townships Jam-Mart Clothing. It can be found on the tenth page in the clothing store. It is for sale for 4,000 gems and it is members only. The colors scheme is blue and green.

Thoughts: I usually don't like Designer Skirts, but I really truly love this weeks RIM!  I was into them about two years ago, but it got boring for me after awhile. Giving this item a new color mix I feel was a great choice! The colors are super cute and summery, and just generally a great item! Overall I rate this weeks RIM a 10!

Let me know what you think down in the comments below!

As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~

Lemon Jammer Sundae #79!

*EDIT: The post has now been updated to include the daily item!*

Hi Jammers! Arctic here!

I'm going to warn you now- I almost entirely forgot to write up a post! Thus, I'm here - deprived of sleep, and stressed out because I don't want to disappoint- *dodges a lemon*

Hey! Who's throwing the- WAUGH!

*gets pelted with mysterious flying lemons*


*more lemons*

Yikes in my nikes! *grabs an umbrella*

What I'm trying to say is that I have this post on automatic publishing mode so that I can get more sleep. I'll update it with the Sunday items later!

*gets hit with one more lemon for good measure*

Today's daily item is a returning one from the Egyptian den item set. Straight from the pyramids, we have the Pyramid Table - sold for 500 gems in Jam Mart Furniture. This is a cool item - part of an even cooler set! Try and find a creative use for it!

And now, enjoy the Jammer Sundae!

Doo doo doo doooooo~ what shall we doooooo? Hmm... How about fruits and veggies! Just because someone thought it was a good idea to- *gets hit by another lemon* SERIOUSLY

An inspiration quote taken the other way:

I don't know how... But it's awesome:

Tomato Bunnies? Count me in!


And finally, the most glorious photo I've ever seen:

Somehow, everything is going right in the photo above. I love it!

That's all for this Sundae- come back next week for more!

Alrighty, and now for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Canorant (pronounced can-ohr-ant): Melodious

Beautiful word!

Our fact of the day:

Lemon trees produce fruit all year round.

Maybe that's why you guys haven't run out of lemons to throw at- WAUUUGH! *lemons flood arctic's room*


Feel free to send me a lemon at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !

Off Track? Not For Much Longer

Hey guys!
This is Penguin again. Right now, it's pretty late, and I got off track of posting. I won't be able to post very much today, but I can promise that once summer comes, I will be back and ready. I have goals for this summer, too. Today, well, I procrastinated again. I feel horrible... but I needed a little break from blogging again. It's been stressful lately, but I kinda feel like getting back to it now. I only have 7 days left of school and I'm tired of it.
Anyways, I have to go now. I'll see you guys next time.

Hey Jammers, I'm FireSpiritAJ

- cue the music! -

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, a, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, *strings pops*

Aww, that was suppose to be a good intro- Oh hey, it's you guys! Welcome, welcome I'm Fire your new author here in AJC for Fridays! I'm all in for excitement to see how I achieved in blogging. I used to look up to this blog as a reader but now, I can make posts and inspire others like you guys!

In my Friday posts, you will see..

Brand New Look Tutorials: 

Update Reviews:

Masterpiece Outlook:

New Items: 

And many more!


Thank you for reaching the end Jammers, I hope I can meet you all next Friday. Also! Not to forget, please like, comment and give a little follow! Always stay PAWSOME my friends..

Hello AJC!! Vidcon 2017, Jamaa Journal Vol.199 And a comic

Me: *sings with headphones on* If he can hold the world he can hold this momment (la la la la)
You guys: Erm Sarah??
Me: Not a field nor flower escapes his noticee ohhhhh even the sparrow knooowsss he holds tomorrow
You guys: SARAH!
Me: La la la! (Even the sparrow knows!) la la he holds tomorrow..
Me: Oh I'm new author
You guys: Oh ok, are you always singing?
You guys: *facepalms*

Hi guys! As you can tell from the intro, and the fact that I'm writing here, I'm an author now :D 

If you see me around Jamaa I will usually be one of these animals
In less of course I'm doing something silly XD or something like that... 
Mainly my fox, and I'm only my bunny when I'm nm ;)  
My favorite color is yellow, I have 2 cats named Fire and Smokey, Ja983 is my sister, I love to write and read, 
I am a Christian, I hate swearing, I love to draw, (but I'm not good it XD) I love cheesecake, 7-up, ice water, and lemon water. (And the amazing chicken pasta salad that my mom makes, ITS SO GOOD!)  and I love the outdoors, and I'm not a girly girl, I have 12 siblings, nine brothers and three sisters, two of my sisters are younger then me, and I have seven older brothers, which means I have 3 younger brothers. XD, I hope not be boring in my post, in fact, the opposite! I'll be posting on Thursdays, and be talking about all sorts of things! 

And now for the MAIN part of this post :D 
https://dailyexplorer.animaljam.com/en/posts/animal-jam-at-vidcon#comments tells us about vid con! A place for popular youtubers! I think Aparri. Wisteria, Gelly, Bepper, Sethyy e.t.c are going!

Even though I know I wont be able to go, I looked up the tickets, and boy, they are expensive O.O 

A REASON WHY I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO GO! XD  Waaay to expensive, I most likely will never be able to go *cries* 

As some of you may or may not know, the update is here! And I realized something.. There is no longer the volume number, which is why I'm keeping track, we can't loose this history! WHY DID AJHQ CHANGE THE JAMAA JOURNALL *rants about it for 1000 hours* 
Here is le first page. (This is Jamaa Journal Vol. 199)


Coyote's are here! LOOK AT THAT CUTE LIL PICTURE! *squeals* I made some art for AJHQ last update when they revealed how they will look *checks if AJHQ put it in their den*
Darn, I hope it didn't get lost in their JAGs O.O
Here is what the art looked like:
One for AJHQ, one normal one XD

  Now for 'page' 2, though you cant really call it a page 😔

Ooooo! The items you can buy are the following:

Super cool, right? My favorite is the bandana, jail, wagon, and just all the armor XD Oh yeah! Here are the coyote's actions

THE DANCE IS SUPER FUNNY XDDD If I knew how to make GIF's I would, but uhm, I don't XD

Next page! 

You can make sharks very scary... It seems AJHQ is trying to make underwater great again! 
Sadly, I don't have enough diamonds to buy one, because I brought all the armor set, and a coyote, plus sense the western stuff is going to be here for a little bit I want to buy some of that, (THE ITEMS ARE AWEOMSEEEE) But I did make a scary one (Couldn't buy it though)

I should be concerned...

Next pageeeeeee

GRAHAM'S WORKSHOP! NOW I CAN BUY EVERYTHING BECAUSE I'M A MEMBER!!! *throws a giant party* I have gotten membership like 4 times, and never ever been able to do this as a member lol And its the same items as last time (as far as I know.) 

All the material is saved! I can finally buy that golden elf tail that I have wanted for a looooooooooong time 

Oh. I need 24 more gold. *cries* CANT I USE MY 25 GEMSTONES?!?! *sobs*

RIP Lions 2017, maybe they're afraid of the dolphins? Wait, their afraid of coyote's! THEORY CONFIRMEDDDDD And the rest is just advertisements

AJHQ's den is so pretty omg!  Here is the secret item!
It looks really cool in my opinion CX

And now, for a little comic I made with the coyote!  
Sorry its so messy o.o

Bye guys! Cya next Thursday!

1 Corinthians 2:1212 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.


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