Hey, Jammer’s! CoolCat here with another post. I bet your wondering where Gracie is. Gracie has asked me if I could cover for her today, so I will be filling in her!
For today’s post I will be sharing 10 bible verses. I didn’t choose these verses based on verses for happiness, sadness, etc. These are just some that I thought were good to share. Shall we get started?!
“To all who receive him, to those who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husbands’s will, but born of God.” -John 1:12-13
Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment. -Matthew 9:22
“Now all glory to God, who is able, to his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
“To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless.” -Psalm 119:96 NIV
“The LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; and he had 14,000 sheep and 6,000 camels...” -Job 42:12
“And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind.” -Titus 2:7 NLT
“I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain.” -Pslam 3:4 NLT
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.” -Psalms 91:1
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace.” -Numbers 6:24-26
“Make it your goal to live a quite life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we have instructed you before.” -1 Thessalonians 4:11 NLT
I hope you guys enjoyed these ten verses! Which one was your favorite? Make sure you comment down below!
As always, bye Jammers! And -Jam On!-
Rare Item Monday!
Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! How is everyone doing? Hopefully everyone had a great week last week! Did any of you do anything fun? Will any of you be doing something fun this week? This week I will be making one of my favorite meals, fajitas! I know this conversation is pretty random, but what is your favorite meal? I am very curious!
But now lets start off with todays Rare Item Monday!
Todays Rare Item Monday for Animal Jam is the Rare Rainbow Wrist Guards!
Thoughts: This is an item I don't believe I have seen in the game before, so its very original! I feel like the colors could be a bit more exciting, but overall I like it for its creativeness!
Overall I rate this weeks Rare Item Monday a 8.5!
What do you think of this weeks Rare Item Monday? Comment down below!
Here is todays verse.
[Jesus said] "You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven." -Matthew 5:14-16
As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~
But now lets start off with todays Rare Item Monday!
Todays Rare Item Monday for Animal Jam is the Rare Rainbow Wrist Guards!
Thoughts: This is an item I don't believe I have seen in the game before, so its very original! I feel like the colors could be a bit more exciting, but overall I like it for its creativeness!
Overall I rate this weeks Rare Item Monday a 8.5!
What do you think of this weeks Rare Item Monday? Comment down below!
Here is todays verse.
[Jesus said] "You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven." -Matthew 5:14-16
As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~
Sibling Showdown
Howdy ya'll! Today me and my sister Sarahkey8 are going to do a showdown in minigames!
First to three wins!
The first mini game we'll be starting off with is -- drum-roll please! :drum-roll:
Uh it was gonna be bowling but then it glitched ....
First to three wins!
The first mini game we'll be starting off with is -- drum-roll please! :drum-roll:
Uh it was gonna be bowling but then it glitched ....
I got this amazing winning shot at the end O,O
Ja983: 1
Sarahkey8: 0
"I had a bad start!"
Notice the chocolate chip falling on Sarah's side XDD
Ja983: 2
Sarahkey8: 0
Sarah won. Oh poo
Ja983: 2
Sarahkey8: 1
Ja983: 2
Sarahkey8: 2
I'm O
Sarah's X
Really duude?
I'm X
Sarah's O

*Husky Ninja
Beta Party 2018!
Helloooo everybody! How are you guys doing? Unfortunately, I'm very tired today. At 7:30 AM this morning, I heard yelling outside, which really scared me since I had just woke up. I texted my mom asking why I heard yelling outside, and she didn't respond because her phone wasn't near her (which freaked me out even more). I found her in my dad's office looking out the window. This husband and wife across the street were yelling at each other, then they drove off together. o.O My mom almost called the police, but there wasn't any physical abuse going on, so she didn't. But it was for sure not the best way to wake up. I still have no idea what happened to those people, because they haven't been back to their house since then. It was super weird though.
Let's get started with today's post!
As you may or may not know, recently the beta party returned to Animal Jam! I love this party, mainly because of the background music. XD It's really cool every year seeing what Animal Jam looked like in the beta days! So today I'll be doing a short picture-walk-through of that.
Let's get started with today's post!
As you may or may not know, recently the beta party returned to Animal Jam! I love this party, mainly because of the background music. XD It's really cool every year seeing what Animal Jam looked like in the beta days! So today I'll be doing a short picture-walk-through of that.
This is the entrance to the party,
The inside of the building,
And downstairs where the shop is! I was wondering where all the people were. XD
When you click the rug with the treasure box on it,
The beta shop opens up! It's pretty much exactly the same stuff as last year.
And this is the second page of the shop!
I'm not too thrilled with this party this year, since it's basically the exact same thing again. Last year they added a few new items, but not this year for some reason. Hopefully as time goes on they'll add some more items before the party is gone!
What do you think of the beta party this year? What's your favorite party on Animal Jam? Be sure to comment down below your thoughts!
Here's todays Bible verse!
Galatians 5:13
For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters ... use your freedom to serve one another in love.
God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.
The REAL reason why they got rid of the original homescreen..
I figured out.
It took some digging, but I figured out why they got rid of the old home-screen.. Anways, here it is!
And may the odds be ever in your favor..
Reason number oneee: Graham is kidnapping the fox. CLEARLY HE IS. Or he's planning to.. I dunno guys, he looks like he's planning something. And that fox is just kinda nervously standing there.
Reason number fiveee: LIZA TOOK A PICTURE OF YOU!!!
Look at Greely's eye..

That's right people, Liza was scanning people's faces through the screen, and taking PICTURES!!!
Reason number one hundreddd: That monkey was stabbing people too.
Reason number fourrr: Peck holds her arms out as if giving you a hug, THEN SHE PAINTS SOMETHING EMBARRASSING ON YOUR BACK!! Like "I'm a losr!!! I CANT EVEN SPELL LOSER RIGHT" and stuff like that! PLUS ITS GRAPE PAINT WHICH CAN KILL DOGS! PECK IS MAD AT GREELY FOR DUMPING HER!! I hate the peck and greely ship...
Reason number seissss: Cosmo is a crazy old man. He was lighting fires. He set Sir Gilberts hair on fire...
Reason number eighhhhhhht: That Mira statue was proclaimed racist because its not silver.
Reason number oneee: Look at Greely's eyes. Those are
weird. Anybody notice that on that camera picture he looks like he's eyeing Sir Gilbert?
Okay. I think we covered everything...
We gave Trump a bath yesterday, he looks super sad in this pic XDD
I figured out.
It took some digging, but I figured out why they got rid of the old home-screen.. Anways, here it is!
And may the odds be ever in your favor..
Reason number oneee: Graham is kidnapping the fox. CLEARLY HE IS. Or he's planning to.. I dunno guys, he looks like he's planning something. And that fox is just kinda nervously standing there.
Reason number fiveee: LIZA TOOK A PICTURE OF YOU!!!
Look at Greely's eye..

That's right people, Liza was scanning people's faces through the screen, and taking PICTURES!!!
Reason number one hundreddd: That monkey was stabbing people too.
Reason number fourrr: Peck holds her arms out as if giving you a hug, THEN SHE PAINTS SOMETHING EMBARRASSING ON YOUR BACK!! Like "I'm a losr!!! I CANT EVEN SPELL LOSER RIGHT" and stuff like that! PLUS ITS GRAPE PAINT WHICH CAN KILL DOGS! PECK IS MAD AT GREELY FOR DUMPING HER!! I hate the peck and greely ship...
Reason number seissss: Cosmo is a crazy old man. He was lighting fires. He set Sir Gilberts hair on fire...
Reason number eighhhhhhht: That Mira statue was proclaimed racist because its not silver.
Reason number oneee: Look at Greely's eyes. Those are
weird. Anybody notice that on that camera picture he looks like he's eyeing Sir Gilbert?
Okay. I think we covered everything...

We gave Trump a bath yesterday, he looks super sad in this pic XDD
The Insanely Difficult Christian Music Tag!
1. Top 10 favorite Christian bands/artists? (In order of how you like them)
10? O snap
Owl City (Adam is a Christain)
For King and Country
Toby Mac
The Afters
Sanctus Real
Hawk Nelson
Citizen Way
Audio Adrenaline
Brandon Heath
Group 1 Crew
Capital Kings
2. Exactly how many Christian concerts have you been to, and who was there?
None D:
3. Exactly how many Christian artists have you met? And who was it?
4. What Christian artist would you like to see in concert next? (Or who would you like to see in concert again)
Uhhhh sense I haven't been to a concert ..
I'll just say who I want to see in concert XDD
5. What Christian artist would you like to meet?
Agaaain Owl City and For King and Country are at the top of my list! XD
Sorry this is so short and lame! Blogger is being kinda weird and I also didn't know what to post about D:

*Husky Ninja
The Insanely Difficult Christian Music Tag!
Why hewo there everybody!
I admit...
I totally forgot about my post for like the millionth time. XDD
I was packing for camp today, and it just slipped my mind... Oopsy.
Speaking of that, just a heads up, I'm not going to be on Animal Jam from Friday early afternoon, until Sunday late afternoon. I'm going camping with my church during that time! I'm sure it will go good (hopefully). It'll be good to unplug from electronics for a little while. I can't believe this is my third year of going.. Doesn't feel like it's been that long!
Anywho, without any further ado, let's get going with todays post!
I'm entitling this post, "The Insanely Difficult Christian Music Tag!". It is what the title is?
That didn't make sense.
I'm tired
Heres we goes
I admit...
I totally forgot about my post for like the millionth time. XDD
I was packing for camp today, and it just slipped my mind... Oopsy.
Speaking of that, just a heads up, I'm not going to be on Animal Jam from Friday early afternoon, until Sunday late afternoon. I'm going camping with my church during that time! I'm sure it will go good (hopefully). It'll be good to unplug from electronics for a little while. I can't believe this is my third year of going.. Doesn't feel like it's been that long!
Anywho, without any further ado, let's get going with todays post!
I'm entitling this post, "The Insanely Difficult Christian Music Tag!". It is what the title is?
That didn't make sense.
I'm tired
Heres we goes
1. Top 10 favorite Christian bands/artists? (In order of how you like them)
We Are Messengers
Hawk Nelson
Micah Tyler
Tenth Avenue North
Jordan Feliz
Dan Bremnes
I could tell you more but... :) XDD
2. Exactly how many Christian concerts have you been to, and who was there?
That is why this is called "The Insanely Difficult Christian Music Tag". XDD
Ah, let's see... We gotta take this back since I was like 3. XDD
All in all, I've been to about... 6 or 7 concerts? When I was super little, I saw MercyMe and someone else in concert.. But I don't remember it like at all. I had to of been like 3 or 4 years old. XD
Then I went to the Rock and Worship Christian Roadshow when I was a bit older. I believe Francesca Battestelli was there, and Family Force Five. There were other people, but I can't remember who. I think for KING & COUNTRY might of been there?
I went to Winter Jam, and that I don't remember too well.. Better than I do the roadshow though. I know Plumb was there, maybe Love & The Outcome, possibly Tenth Avenue North, and a bunch of other people... Those are the ones I slightly remember though. XD
I saw Big Daddy Weave, We Are Messengers, and Micah Tyler, on the Set Free Tour. I can't really remember a concert between that and Winter Jam... I'm sure my parents will tell me if I missed something once they read this. XD
Then the most recent concert I went to, was actually three concerts! It was Elevate 2018, held at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. The first concert was on June 22nd, and the lineup for that night was Tenth Avenue North, Hawk Nelson, Plumb, Hannah Kerr, and Mallary Hope. On June 23rd, the lineup was... Oh dear, there were so many people I might have to pull up the lineup. XDD Phil Wickham, *pulls up lineup* Building 429, Jordan Feliz, Ryan Stevenson, Micah Tyler, Branan Murphy, Mia Koehne, and Justin Unger. I actually didn't really get to see Ryan Stevenson though, because everyone before him were at their merch tables, so we were meeting all of them. Then on June 24th, the lineup was for KING & COUNTRY, We Are Messengers, Jonny Diaz, Stars Go Dim, David Dunn, and For All Seasons! That was seriously the best concert I had ever been to, and I think my parents would agree.
3. Exactly how many Christian artists have you met? And who was it?
Uhhh... About 14? Jon from Hawk Nelson, I met everyone in Tenth Avenue North, Hannah Kerr, Mallary Hope, Micah Tyler, Branan Murphy, Mia Koehne, Justin Unger, Joel from for KING & COUNTRY, Darren from We Are Messengers, Jonny Diaz, Chris from Stars Go Dim, and David Dunn. I met them all in the matter of three days. (: XDD I met them all at Elevate this year.
4. What Christian artist would you like to see in concert next? (Or who would you like to see in concert again)
I really really really wanna see Dan Bremnes in concert. His music is so good! I'd like to see MercyMe in concert, because I don't remember seeing them in concert at all. And obviously, I'd love to see We Are Messengers in concert for the third time...
You guys: O.O Isn't two times enough???
Neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I shall keep on seeing them in concert until they break up.
At least
That's my goal.
5. What Christian artist would you like to meet?
Again, Dan Bremnes. He's kewl. XDD He went around the world in 8 days to 7 different countries with Jon. So that's pretty awesome.. Crowder would be pretty awesome to meet. But my only requirement is that he brings Kenny Rodgers.
Who's Kenny Rodgers?
It's a taxidermy (stuffed) arctic fox. It goes with David Crowder to every concert.
On Crowder's website, there's even Kenny Rodgers accessories...
A t-shirt...
A bandana...
A patch...
A stuffed animal...
A drink koozie...
And an air freshener.
I tag...
Anyone who wants to do this tag! Even if you haven't been to a Christian concert, you can still answer the other questions! Or you can see if your friends want to answer this tag!
Here's todays Bible verse!
2 Peter 3:18
Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.
God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.
P.S. You have one more week to enter the summer fashion show! Click here to enter and read the rules.
I'm Back! + Rare Item Monday!
Hey, Jammer's! Its CoolCat here with another post. Before I continue I want to apologize for my abrupt lack of posts. I have been very busy and have been forgetful, but now I am back! I am writing this post rather late, so I don't have much time for an intro, so for today I am just going to get right into todays post!
Todays Rare Item Monday for Animal Jam is the Rare Lionfish Helmet!
I don't go underwater much so I'm not really a big fan of these types of items, but this is just my personal opinion. If you love going underwater this weeks item is perfect for you!
Overall I rate this weeks Rare Item Monday a 6.
This weeks Rare Item Monday on Play Wild is Rare Baseball Cleats!
I like that AJHQ is going with a sporty theme here. Its a great reminder to get outside in real life!
Overall I rate this weeks Rare Item Monday a 10!
I hope you enjoyed this weeks post! Which RIM was your favorite? My favorite is the baseball cleats!
Here is todays verse.
"In Christ, all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority." -Colossians 2;9-10
As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~
Todays Rare Item Monday for Animal Jam is the Rare Lionfish Helmet!
I don't go underwater much so I'm not really a big fan of these types of items, but this is just my personal opinion. If you love going underwater this weeks item is perfect for you!
Overall I rate this weeks Rare Item Monday a 6.
This weeks Rare Item Monday on Play Wild is Rare Baseball Cleats!
I like that AJHQ is going with a sporty theme here. Its a great reminder to get outside in real life!
Overall I rate this weeks Rare Item Monday a 10!
I hope you enjoyed this weeks post! Which RIM was your favorite? My favorite is the baseball cleats!
Here is todays verse.
"In Christ, all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority." -Colossians 2;9-10
As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~
Sorry For Not Posting...
Sorry for not posting, I wasn't really up for it, because of the post below probably
Hey guys. I don't feel like posting right now. I just found out my best friend's dog
died this morning :,(
Can you please prey for her?
Thanks :)

*Husky Ninja
Summer Fashion Show!
Hellooooooo everybody! Sorry this post is a bit late. We have my niece over for the week. She came Sunday night, and she's leaving Saturday morning... She's been a bit... Difficult. Me or my mom will say something, like, "Can you take a drink of your water?", and she'll yell, "I CAN'T DRINK WATER". Likewise, we were drying to distract her with coloring, and she was like, "I CAN'T COLOR". I think this is her new thing when she doesn't wanna do something... XDD
Anyways, let's get going with today's post!
I decided that it'd be fun to do a summer fashion show on here! Here's how this will work.
Anyways, let's get going with today's post!
I decided that it'd be fun to do a summer fashion show on here! Here's how this will work.
All you have to do is make a summer outfit on Animal Jam, and tell me in the comments, or in a Jam-A-Gram, or personally on Animal Jam the name of the animal you would like entered. But please do not enter backup accounts, or enter on behalf of someone else.
Here's an example of a summer outfit on Animal Jam!
![]() |
(Just please don't copy this look for the contest XDD) |
I've Returned!
Hello Jammers, Arctic here!
Now if you've been reading the two other blogs that I post on (AJAC, AJFC) you would expect that I would be apologizing for my absence from blogging and explaining that I have some fun hopes for summer! And you'd be right!
I once again do apologize for being gone for so long. Scheduling has been nuts with school and all. As for this summer, I hope to do some fun things on the blogs I post on. Something to keep everyone (including myself) interested!
As the year goes on, I will likely have to start scaling back on the blogging I do. I will, however, try my very best to keep posting regularly (even if it becomes something like every other week)
Anyway, I'll be seeing you all around throughout the week!
See you!
Now if you've been reading the two other blogs that I post on (AJAC, AJFC) you would expect that I would be apologizing for my absence from blogging and explaining that I have some fun hopes for summer! And you'd be right!
I once again do apologize for being gone for so long. Scheduling has been nuts with school and all. As for this summer, I hope to do some fun things on the blogs I post on. Something to keep everyone (including myself) interested!
As the year goes on, I will likely have to start scaling back on the blogging I do. I will, however, try my very best to keep posting regularly (even if it becomes something like every other week)
Anyway, I'll be seeing you all around throughout the week!
See you!
Hope you had a awesome Independence Day!
EK! I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday you guys! We went to a friend's house in the afternoon and then got back at 11:00!
We went to see the fireworks and they were amazing!! ^.^ :O
I wish I could have taken pictures but I don't have a camera.
I was really scared we weren't going to be able to see the fireworks because it actually was raining a little bit a few hours before.
Now here are some firework gifs I found! :D
Oooo It's almost like a fountain XDD
I love the ones that explode in to smaller ones!!
I love the color on this one!
And as I was looking up firework gifs I found this!
O,O Woah dude
And that is all for today, Sorry again for the late post!
PS. Happy birthday Adam Young!!!!

*Husky Ninja
5 Bible Verses Relating To Freedom!
Helloooooo everyone! Happy... Third of July? Fourth of July eve? Welp, whatever you wanna call it, HAPPY ALMOST FOURTH OF JULY! XD
I'm so sorry that this post is so late. We were out shopping most of the day, then I went to Housemom418's Fourth of July party on Animal Jam! It was a lot of fun. ^.^ We were playing hide and seek, and I thought I was hidden in such a great place, but of course, I was the first to be found. XDD But it was a lot of fun, and hopefully she'll have more of these in the future!
Let's get started with todays post!
Since Fourth of July is tomorrow, I decided I'd post 5 Bible verses that relate to freedom. The Bible talks about freedom a lot, and it might be a bit confusing what it means by freedom. Especially in the New Testament, which talks about Christ setting us free. What did he set us free from?
In the Old Testament, God gave Moses, pretty much the law of the land. This law was super strict. The Israelites were only supposed to eat certain foods, they had to give sacrifices, and so on and so on. God wanted to see if the Israelites would be faithful and fully committed to Him. It was a burden on them for hundreds and thousands of years. But when God sent His son into the world, He freed us from this burden, so now we can walk in complete freedom.
I'm so sorry that this post is so late. We were out shopping most of the day, then I went to Housemom418's Fourth of July party on Animal Jam! It was a lot of fun. ^.^ We were playing hide and seek, and I thought I was hidden in such a great place, but of course, I was the first to be found. XDD But it was a lot of fun, and hopefully she'll have more of these in the future!
Let's get started with todays post!
Since Fourth of July is tomorrow, I decided I'd post 5 Bible verses that relate to freedom. The Bible talks about freedom a lot, and it might be a bit confusing what it means by freedom. Especially in the New Testament, which talks about Christ setting us free. What did he set us free from?
In the Old Testament, God gave Moses, pretty much the law of the land. This law was super strict. The Israelites were only supposed to eat certain foods, they had to give sacrifices, and so on and so on. God wanted to see if the Israelites would be faithful and fully committed to Him. It was a burden on them for hundreds and thousands of years. But when God sent His son into the world, He freed us from this burden, so now we can walk in complete freedom.
Galatians 5:1 (NIV)
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV)
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Galatians 5:13 (NIV)
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
1 Peter 2:16 (NIV)
Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.
John 8:36 (NIV)
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth of July! Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.