"Does The Shoe Fit?" -Mom "I Heart Shoe" -Dad

Helloooooooo Jammers!

So I asked my parents what the title of my blog post should be..
And uh-
I used both of them.
And ummmmmm
They were interesting.

Here's how it went,

Me: What should my blog post title be?
Me: It's about rare heart shoes.
Mom: Rare heart shoes??
Me: Don't ask. AJ makes weird stuff.
Mom: Does the shoe fit?
Me: *Weird face* *starts laughing* THAT IS SO CORNY
Mom: *Laughing* Well!
Me: *Writes, "Does The Shoe Fit? -Mom* Read this
Mom: *Reads it* :OOO
Me: What? You don't like it?
Mom: No I do


Dad: You could do, "I Heart Shoe", like "I Heart You"
Me: *Busts up laughing* *types it in* *reads title to them*

We don't have clean spoons at the moment soooo,

Dad: I was going to ask my mom, since she reads woman's magazines, "If the dishwasher is clean, how can you not have clean spoons?"
Me: WHAT????? *Insane laughing*
Mom: o.o
Dad: Or, "Why do we park in a driveway, but drive in parkway?"
Me: WHAT????? *More insane laughing*
Dad: You never heard that one?


We have such strange conversations. Like.

Earlier we were talking about how bills become laws
Because first we were talking about how avocado prices are going up

If you wanna hear our weird conversations for yourself, you can watch my YouTube channel
It's Graciepopstar91 AJFC



Anywaaaaays.. XDDD

Today I'm covering Coolcat's post for her! She'll be back next week. ^.^

Some good news is, she told me that she will be getting a new computer between May-July! This will make it easier for her to use Blogger, and possibly also Animal Jam too. 😊

Let's get to today's RIM post!

Today's RIM is Rare Heart-
It's Rare Heart Boots

Whooooopsy daisy
Maybe the titles should be "Does The Boot Fit", and "I Heart Boot"

Oh well XDD

Today's RIM is being sold for 850 gems in Jam Mart Clothing, on the 9th page, and it's colors are black, red, and white!

Personally, I think these boots are super cute! I think I'd give it about 8/10. I would probably give it a higher rating, if it looked a little nicer on animals.

Here's an outfit I made using it!


Here's todays Bible verse!

2 Samuel 22:4

I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!

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