Heyyy guys!
So today I logged onto Animal Jam to get some inspiration for my blog post, and I saw that my friend Housemom418 logged on, so I decided to ask her for a blog post idea. But then I realized...
I'm not just gonna ask her.
I'm gonna ask a bunch of people, and do a blog post with their answers
So... Enjoy everyone. Our first questioned Jammer is Housemom418.
I told everyone that I was screenshotting their answers and after I told House that...
I fell through an icy vortex. :o
Our next questioned Jammer is houses friend, Wren.
I was really surprised when I heard this! I had no idea Phantom Mall closed.
Our next questioned Jammer is another one of House's friends,
...But there was an awkward silence after this
So, our next jammer is my friend Binx!
She said to do it about the history of Valentine's Day, but I wasn't able to screenshot the answer fast enough. XD
Next is another friend of mine,
She actually had a really good idea because...
I already did a post about that. :D
Our next questioned jammer is a completely random person that I don't know...
Awkward silence
Then they had to go.
That concludes this completely weird and random blog post.
I don't know what I'm doing.
Here's todays Bible verse!
Joshua 1:9
This is my command- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.
XD! They are all good ideas. *wonders what the phantom mall is*