Hey everyone!
I'm going to say this real quick today we started swimming classes. It's every Wednesday for the next I think 6 weeks (I have no idea) It's from 2:30 too 3:30 so that means a lot of my afternoon is taken up thus my post over the next few weeks might be a bit more rushed but it shouldn't be to bad just a mini warning
I wasn't sure to post today so I just kinda walked around AJ looking for something and I just though I'd post some of my favorite places in Animal Jam
I'd loove to go to a place like this ILR
I love those rope bridges thingy's XD
Yeah I love the whole Alpha headquarters
Relaxing just to look at
Sorry this is so short like I said I didn't know what to post about. :P

*Husky Ninja
Jamaa township is awesome!
Thanks! It means a lot! ^.^
Delete*Husky Ninja