You've Heard Of "Baby Shark"... How About "Animal Jam"?!

Helloooo, everyone! I always find myself writing my Tuesday post at the end of the day, because I never remember to write it during the day... Leaving me with 0 ideas, and sometimes not a whole lot of time. But thanks to my dad, he gave me a great idea, and I do have some time tonight! Sooo, let's get started!


Tonight me and my parents were talking about the latest trend, "Baby Shark", (which seriously makes me laugh so hard XDD) and were thinking of a different variation of it that we could sing for my niece (we're weird, okie?). But when I said I needed to write a blog post, my dad had an idea for a new variation of "Baby Shark" called, "Animal Jam".

it's pretty cheesy
scroll down if you want to cringe a lot


*Her friend walks up to her before she can finish her song*

...And Gracie sang "Animal Jam" for as loooong as Animal Jam existed.

The End.


I don't know.


Here's todays Bible verse!

Psalm 27:1

The LORD is my light and my salvation - so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

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