Today's rare item is sold in Jam Mart Clothing for 700 gems and is for members only. Introducing the Rare Sparkly Head Bow! I have never honestly liked this item all that much, but I can appreciate that it is original and has good colour options. The rare itself generally looks good, and the price is a reasonable one as well! Be sure to buy one today while you still can!
And now, it is time for the factual part of this post:
Our word of the day:
Offing: the sea between the horizon and the offshore.
This is an interesting word - who knew there was a word for such a thing?
Our fact of the day:
It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty - three to frown.
Yet another reason to smile? It is a much simpler and far more positive alternative to frowning!
Have a wonderful day my friends - I hope to see you all again this Sunday, and perhaps in Jamaa this week!
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