Today, our Rare Item is sold for 650 gems in Jam Mart Clothing. Introducing the Rare Square Glasses!
All jokes aside, this is a nice item. Square glasses usually are forgotten on Animal Jam, so it is great to see them being revisited! Though the colour choices aren't my favourite, I'm sure there are plenty of great outfits that can be made using these. Perhaps what is the best part, however, is the price! Only 650 gems for a rare? This is great, AJHQ, good job! Be sure to buy this item for 650 gems in Jam Mart Clothing before it leaves!
And now, it is time for the factual part of this post:
Our word of the day:
Cachinnation: A loud, hard laugh.
It is a great feeling to have a cachinnation every once in a while. I love it when something hilarious enough happens that you can just burst out laughing like this!
Our fact of the day:
One of Saturn's moons, the Titan, is quite and interesting place. If humans were able to go there, they would be able to fly by just by attaching fake wings to their arms and "flapping" them because of how low the gravity and thick the atmosphere is!
So those useless pairs of "fairy wings" sold in common stores could actually be really useful! If you lived on the Titan, of course.
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