I know this is outdated news, but I just read on the Animal Jam blog that they are trying to stop lions from becoming extinct! The entire point of Animal Jam is to support endangered animals! So, National Geographic wants YOU to write a letter saying what lions mean to you, and send it to them! You can even include some of your artwork!
To send in your letters, click HERE to check out the official Letters to Lions page!
HOW TO HELP (Off the Letters to Lions page):
Follow these four easy steps!
Ask your parents if you can write a letter to lions.
Write a letter to lions telling them what they mean to you. Include drawings of lions if you want. Your letter should be no more than 250 words long and must be your original work.
Print out, read the permission form, and ask your parents to sign it. We would like their permission to print the letters and drawings and feature some of them on our websites.
Mail your letter, artwork, and signed form to:
National Geographic
Digital Media - Kids
1145 17th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
National Geographic
Digital Media - Kids
1145 17th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Selection for publication will be at the discretion of the Jouberts and National Geographic Society. Submissions become the property of the National Geographic Society and the Big Cats Initiative and all rights are transferred to the NGS. Submissions cannot be acknowledged or returned.