I received an exclusive email from the Animal Jam HQ asking me if I'd like to be the blogger to advertise the new Trolls Rock T-Shirt on Animal Jam!
The email read:
Hello TheSlidoo,
Here at Animal Jam we are always looking for ways to make Jamaa the most exciting and entertaining game on the Internet. We've noticed that there are some popular websites, like your own 'Animal Jam Community', which post updates for the jammers in Jamaa! We think it's great that people like you take the time to support our game and help others! We're rolling out a new line of clothing in Jamaa, which will only be able to be redeemed through special websites like the one you own. We're going to test out this idea starting with your blog. The line of 'designer' clothes will be meme-themed. The first accessory in this line is the Trolls Rock T-Shirt! It is a blank white T-Shirt with the Internet's popular 'troll' face on it. On the bottom, it has the word, 'Problem?' which is a popular phrase to go along with the 'troll' face.
You might be wondering how you get this accessory. All you need to do is use the special link provided at the bottom of this email. It will take you to a special page on AnimalJam.com, where you will asked to be enter a unique code. The code is also at the bottom of this email message. You will also need to answer a simple question relating to your blog, Animal Jam Community.
We hope that you share this with your blog's readers so more jammers can get the Trolls Rock T-Shirt. If this project is a success, we will be bringing out even more meme-themed accessories to Jamaa!
Happy jamming!
(The link and code were here.)I was absolutely amazed when I read the email! AJHQ wants me to test out this new idea! Awesome!
So, you might be wondering how you get the Trolls Rock T-Shirt! All you have to do is follow the steps below. Remember to read all the steps before clicking any links.
1. Go to Animal Jam and log in. Then, instead of logging off, just close the window. Make sure to select "Keep me logged in" when you log in.
2. Click the link at the bottom of this post to be taken to the special page to redeem your item.
3. In the box that says "Unique Code", type the code "TROLLALERT".
4. It will ask you one of two questions. I have provided the answers in this post.
Question 1: What colour is the current main colour on Animal Jam Community?
Answer: Blue
Question 2: What is the middle animal at the top of Animal Jam Community?
Answer: Tiger
5. Type the answer to the question it asks.
6. Click "Redeem" and you should have your Trolls Rock T-Shirt! Yay!
So what do you think? Do you like this idea that Animal Jam has? I do!
Click here to be taken to the link where you can redeem your T-Shirt!