Play Wild Fund

   Did you know that many of the wold's big cats are critically endangered? Soon, animals like tigers and lions could be extinct. To try to prevent this, AJHQ released the Play Wild Fund. There are two that you can help through this program. The first is to buy Big Cats Wristbands from Animal Jam Outfitters.
   The Second is even easier: just donate your virtual gems in the Conservation Museum in Appondale. Here you will have the option of which big cat to donate for, and how much gems to donate! Then AJHQ will donate real money to that cat based on how much gems were donated.
   Of these three cats, tigers are by far the most in danger, so donating for them would be best. There are also lots of new cool videos about big cats in the museum. What's your favorite big cat? Mine is the leopard. ;)
   Oh, and one more thing. In the picture of the new wrist bands, I found a mysterious picture:
   Look at the cat on the right. Is it a new animal, or is it just a tiger? Hmm, the ears are different. Maybe a female lion? We'll see!


Golden Dragon Mask

Hey guys! Geckoguy posted yesterday, so I will take the job today! :D The new item is:
The Golden Dragon Mask! It looks just like the dragon mask, except it is gold! ;D What do you all think of this item? I know you can't comment, but when Slidoo comes back you can! :D For now, just think about it in your head. Alright? Good. Oh, yes! It can be found on the 1st page of the Epic Wonders Clothing Orb. It is 3,000 gems, members only, and a clothing item. Get a Golden Dragon Mask, now! Have an EPICLY EPIC day!


Propeller and Party

Hey jammers, this doesn't necessarily mean I'll be posting often, but I'll try to. :) Anyway today the propeller has been resold, for underwater animals.
It is in Bahari Bairgains which is in Bahari Bay. I'm hoping The Slidoo will be back in Thanksgiving break! And I posted on my blog that I'm having a 2 years on AJ Party, since I've played Aj for 2 years! I'm sure Slidoo won't mind me posting this... Here is the info:

-Date: November 29, 2012 (Thursday)
-Time: 5:00-5:30 PM Eastern Time
-Reason: Geckoguy's played AJ for 2 Years
-Place: Geckoguy's Den
-Host: Geckoguy

Hope you can come! And hopefully slidoo will be able to come. D: Again, sorry you can't comment.

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