Trapped Phantom, Bridge, Item Spotlight #4

Hey Jammers! I am sorry for the late post! My alarm clock didn't go off. :(

Anyways, let's start the post:

As many Jammers were upset yesterday, it seems like AJHQ is just bringing back Night Of The Phantom items. 

I wonder how much Jammers will be upset today. I actually like this item, and I always wanted one so, YAY! For the people that already had this item, I am sorry for your loss.

Next I want to talk about something. The "rare" bridge in Aldan.

Yea it seems as if you can only sit there if you look like every other Arctic Wolf with a spike, gazelles, and elf cuffs. 
It just bothers me that people would be so mean to flash their rares like that. 

If I were to be my otter with no rares on it, nobody would pay attention. So then I have to switch to my Arctic Wolf. 
Like seriously the two aren't talking! They are just sitting there. What do you think they are thinking about? Probably getting more rares. I sound pretty judge mental but, when you go there all the time and see THAT happening, it starts to grow on you.

OKAY, after I had my daily rant. Let's do Item Spotlight!

So this week's Item Spotlight is the...

Panda Hat!
Easily confused with the Monkey Hat. This item recently became popular with the Rare Committee. For some reason, I just saw it appearing in people's trade list. There are 9 different colors of this item. (including the freedom panda hat). It has to ears, buttons for eyes and a tongue sticking out of it. In a way.. It looks like Miley Cyrus. 

That's it for today!
Bye Jammers!
Contact me at:


  1. Replies
    1. Why yes ^.^ I believe it was a beta before this.

    2. OK! I heard story's that it was and I wanted to make sure they were true

    3. So it isn't beta now? What are they worth? :T

  2. Great job on your post mldriver! I have a rather silly question: my friend and I got into a bit of a debate on how to pronounce your username! She demanded it was m l d river (em ell dee river) whilst I insisted it was m l driver (em ell dry vur) Which of us is right? What if it is neither O.o Anywho, I hardly wear rares, and do not have an arctic wolf. I don't wear rares because they don't look as good on my animal as regular items do! Also, my Animal Jam motto is "dare to be different". I prefer to use animals that are not that common (raccoon is one of my main choices) and a style that is not that popular or common. It's just what I like X3

    1. Yes, Arcticstar your correct. And about the raccoon thing, I see no one being them anymore. They are one of my favorite animals. The two most common animals (i think) are the fox, and the Arctic Wolf.

      And I like that motto. It's pretty neat.

    2. I remember for the longest time wolves were the most popular, then Arctic Wolves came out....

    3. i milda do the same i put antlers on my artic wolf and my wittle persios racoon acidantly got recyceld buuuuuuuuuuuuut i do use my kangaro a lot

    4. I sometimes mistake wolfs and foxes "I have I wol... I mean fox plush hear."

    5. @Arcticstar
      I pronounce Mldriver's user as Em Ell Dee River. XD

    6. @Mldriver
      Yeah! Ik, they're not any popular. D: But they are so cute, anyways!

    7. @Pumaa
      Yep. Ikr! Non members are popular with wolves and member with Arctic wolves. XD
      Anyway, they both are wolves. XP

    8. Shows how much I know. I thought it was suppose to be short for "mild river"

  3. I think that's it's nose, not it's tongue, haha

    Happy Autumn! Autumn theme should be up in October. :)

    1. The next person to follow will be our 200th follower...

    2. Cool I cant wait for Autumn theme and congrats on 200 followers!!!

    3. Congrats! 201 followers. Quite a milestone.

  4. Arg, I hate it when Jammers have their own place where it's for "people with rares only". The "rare" bridge is the entrance to Appondale, not a place to show off the way you look. I only love rates because of how cool it looks and how it fits perfectly on most animals. Come on! I don't trade at the bridge but at a spaced area. Can you please do that, rare people? ~A very angry Krazy

    1. PS - I'm on my phone so my signature might appear somewhere else than usual...


    2. Yeah, Ikr! They 'made' it the Rare Bridge. X3

    3. Hmmm, it's a rarity to to see such a rarely passionate post about rare objects. Really... I mean rarely

  5. I think the Miley Cyrus thing is immature and old. I never really wear animal hats. I think it's pretty dull wearing another item that represents a different animal.

    1. Miley Cyrus is 21 years old. I agree she needs to grow up.

      And about the wearing the hats. I think it's kinda odd that people wear fox hats, on foxes. Your wearing your own kind.

    2. Wait a sec she wears animal hats now... ... ... Um what has this world become (Facepalm)

    3. No, she doesn't (not yet at least). What I was saying is that the Panda Hat reminds me of Miley Cyrus. The ears (as the buns she wears), and the tongue that she always sticks out.

      But later I was informed by Pumaa that, the so called tongue on the Panda Hat was actually a nose.

    4. Oh I see well I hope she dose not actually start to wear animal hats :P Until than were safe.

    5. @Ronen
      Yeah, same here! Also Miley Cyrus has grown so weird, she was nice before when she was on Hannah Montana. .3.

    6. @ Voxel Punch
      Wait, Miley wears animal hats? Nope, haha!

    7. She is who she is. Some folks are weird. Some are not. It's what makes the world a fun place. I personally pay no attention to her.

  6. Miley Cyrus scares me.... What is she doing with her life?

    1. OK, I just read a few news articles about her in the internet. She is definitely weird. She'll grow up sometime. We all do.

    2. But enough about Miley Cyrus. Let's get back to AJ stuff. Unless of course Miley plays AJ, then by all means let's talk about her.

  7. I like today's item. It was quite rare a while back.

  8. Wow cool you have reached 200 followers!

    1. How about organizing a partaaaay?!?!?!
      I'd love one, it will be so amazing!

    2. Yes im following I am the 201 :P

  9. I like this item of the day too! Very cool looking.

  10. ya I think the panda hat does look like miley cyrus

  11. I have two of theses phantms they used to be turbo rare and beta AJ WHAT HAVE U DONE!!!!!
