Stone Sink and Storytime!

Hello Jammers! I had an extreme game of hide and seek with the item today, but I found it!

Today in the beautiful land of Jamaa we have a new item- the stone sink!

Hey nice! It bears a striking resemblance to one of my favourite items- the wood sink

I wish I had one >.< It really captures the essence of animal jam- as does the stone sink! I think I may buy one and add it to the kitchen of my den! The price is almost double that of the tree stump sink- but I still like the item! Very rustic!

 I know that some of you may be itching to write stories (cough cough krazy cough cough) so today I want you to write a short story for me! Here is the topic: Where do all these new animals come from? Where are the animals that come to Jamaa from originally? Tell me in the comments! Even a few sentences explaining is great!

Finally we have the fact of the day:

Sharks are immune to all known diseases.

Aww lucky! That means they can never get sick, never get cancer, and are always healthy! 

Well that is all for today folks!

Adventure Awaits!

Wanna talk? Contact me at!

Due to a request by a Jammer- I have brought back my old signature from my old posting days! Oh the nostalgia! You like it?


  1. First....
    So I have the wooden sink is that beta? But I know the stone sink isn't!

    1. I don't have it but I was also wondering it is was beta or not...
      I think it's probably not! >.<

    2. Ya its not all beta looking.

    3. They should make a sink out of water next. What? I'm serious.

    4. It seems impossible to me to tell what is beta and what is not. How do you guys do it? Someone should make an app that gives this information so people could have it handy for trading.

    5. Stone sinks just seem like they would be very cold in the winter time. Just my humble opinion.

  2. They can't ANY known diseases?! No way!

    1. P.S. I'm your 200th follower! :D

    2. That's surprising isn't it? I love today's fact! I wish I was like the shark too, I hate diseases. I usually get allergies on my nose which sucks badly. DX

    3. Cool! Congratulations. XD
      I want a party badly, if Pumaa or the authors could arrange one. :P
      I was like the 150th or less follower. :)

    4. They are immune to any diseases... I bet there not immune to cooties lol.

    5. Congratulations! You win... nothing!


    6. We're in discussions about a party soon ;P

    7. @Slidoo
      YAY! Can't wait, but pleeaaaseee make it in a time that can match my timezones. .o. I barely don wanna miss it. D:

    8. Soooo... sharks don't need flu shots?

    9. But they aren't immune to tornadoes as proven by the hit motion picture.

    10. We were at Comic Con this year and there were people walking the streets with foam shark fins, chanting some promo message about the Sharknado movie. It was funny to see. I really wanted one of those shark fins. Maybe AJ should have items like that? Big foam items like the #1 glove.

  3. Both the items look alike, just differences are they are made out of different materials and that's all.

    1. Anyway, where is it found though? Idk cause I can't log in right now...
      I think it is in the Outback Imports or what..?

    2. I think its found in kimabara outback

    3. They should change up the design a bit. Look at any home remodeling catalog and get some ideas. Maybe a double vanity or something.

  4. I love your signature theme, from the wallpaper. I got an objection though, made your username should be bigger and in a bold or other font? The user is not clear and readable... It doesn't look like a signature actually. Sorry, if this hurt you but I didn't mean to... Just giving you tips :P

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! It is only for today though- I will be returning to my old signature on my next post!

    2. Correction- my other signature since technically today's signature is the old one...

    3. You are welcome! :)
      Okay, I like both though... :D

    4. Another thumbs up on this signature. If you were going to keep it, I would take Sweetpanda's suggestion on the font size.

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah! I love the new pages thingy, the new header, and the new Sub-heading or the Slogan! :D

  6. I know I'm late for the story but here we go!

    The animals were sent to Jamaa from Earth, a planet in a galaxy far far away (lol Star Wars) where humans took over almost the entire planet, letting animals to lose their habitats. The first animals who lost these habitats are tigers, wolves, bunnies, koalas, pandas and monkeys. Humans wondered why there's getting less and less animals but they didn't seem to care since power is the importance of their planet. The truth is because animals are being sent to a better place for themselves. The more that humans ruin the animals' habitats, the more animal species that come to Jamaa. Only Mira, the Alphas and the Jammers who were born there know about that horrible place. Unluckily, some of these animals weren't sent to Jamaa and were killed by the humans instead. Beware, beware of this place. Earth is not for any creatures to settle in.

    I know it's short, I'm really tired now. :P


    1. Nice story! Lol. Anyway, animals or creatures are actually safe on Earth. :P

    2. Yeah I know, I like making stories on the dark side of the planet when humans DON'T help save animals. It makes me sad about it.


    3. Nice story. I don't agree that animals are safe on Earth. Luckily, there are a lot of people and organizations that are trying to protect them. I think there is a lot of truth in this tale. Good work!

  7. ok so this is just some its called

    lusa settled into her cubs "tell the story of Kyoto please please please" pleaded her cub toclo."allright allright" said lusa "it all sated one night as all the strage other animals bundeled together for sundown when monstrus creatures who walked on two legs and had longer paws and flatter faces they knocked down dens and shattered the land to parts" said lusa "OH NO! not long legs" scarmed kyla her cub."yes long legs scarred the animals to scattering and hiding for all hopes of living but these animals did not know how to hunt and where all alone."said there mother "all alone" teased toyclo "quiet young ones remember the hevens are always watching" said lusa "now these animals did know how to eat berries and grass" she continued "what is grass and berries?" asked kyla "grass are like whiskers coming out of the ground and berries well you'll see when we get to Alaska know lets get to sleep my cubs" replyied lusa "aww" cried kayla and toclo at once. we need rest where starting to alaska tomarrow.

    THATS IT FOR NOW TO BE COMTUIED IN NEXT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. That's sorta sad! D:
      You made some grammar and spelling mistakes though, nvm. xD
      Can't wait to read the next of it! :P

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hey Arctic! Where'd you get the background for your signature?

  9. Before the time of humans, the great spirits thrived in the universe. The star spirits played and danced in the heavens. The river spirits flowed peacefully, carving out pathways in the land. The forest spirits rustled with the wind spirits.
    However, the spirits felt an emptiness around them. Something was missing. The moon spirit had an idea. He asked the star spirits to use some of their energy to bestow life onto the great lands.
    The stars were more concerned about their dancing and playing in the heavens than with granting the request of the moon spirit. They agreed half heartedly and made a wide selection of beasts to roam the planets. However, the moon spirit noticed that many of the best were savage and unruley. He was very unhappy about this. But the stars were too busy playing and dancing to be concerned about this.
    The moon had another idea. He was not made of the life giving material that the stars were made of, but he was able to reflect their energy to the lands below. His glow was weaker but it acted as a beacon for the kinder, gentler beasts on the land. Soon, they followed the moon's gentle glow to the land of Jamaa, where they lived in harmony with the spirits around them.
