Rare beard and My Fall Den

Hello my friends! Let's get going with the post for today shall we?

As you know, today is Rare Item Monday- that spectacular day of the week in which new and exciting items come to Jamaa for one day only! And what do we have today? Well let's see!

Oh. My. Stars. That tiger is really getting down and funky! Enough about the dance moves- today we have rare beards- whaaaaaaaaaaatt??? Yes you heard me- these wonderful pieces of facial hair are only here for ONE day- so buy one now! 

I have now fall-ified my den, to match Animal Jams' new fall theme! Tell me what you think!


Also, anyone is welcome into my den anytime! I almost never lock my den X3 If I am online, feel free to stop by for a little chat- I am almost always able to talk!

Finally, our fact of the day!

A newborn kangaroo is small enough to fit in a teaspoon.

Really? Such a large animal? I am quite surprised! Well, that's all for today folks!
Adventure Awaits

If you have something to say, go on and take it away! You can contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com    

See you in Jamaa!


  1. FIRST!!! This is cool but not as valuble as the nr sadly....

    1. Witch is sad because I want nr...

    2. It will be rarer as it gets older.

    3. Congratulations on first! You should do both the first and second comment in one sentence, cause that's cheating! Yeah, and I know but I agree with Annaliese cause she's right! I've got 5 pairs of the item! :D

    4. I don't think it is cheating. That is how message boards work. The rules of the contest say it is cheating to post one word responses such as "hi" over and over. BTW, I just wanted to say "hi".


    5. The beards are cool. I want one.

    6. Its not cheating I say my comment in there!!!!

  2. What I saw was one second there was no new post and the next second a new one popped up! Het arcticstar wat are the number after ur name because I can't see them it's too blurry.


    1. You could have just saw the signature. It's written clearly down there. Anyways, I didn't get whatever you said before those, I did, but I didn't understand anything....

    2. Ok ya I didnt even see that on your signature. And what do you mean by what

  3. niccccceeeeee oliviaisbest123

    1. Yeaaaah! I love your den, it's amazing. I had stopped by your den last time I logged in! :D

  4. Love today's fact! It's amazing! :D
    Do you like today's rare? I do, somewhat..

  5. Wow I love the new look at the new menu great job!!!

  6. I had a nr beard than traded it for a beta is that fair???

  7. I love your dens :3
    - andra200
