Halloween Updates and Diamonds

Halloween Is now here is Jamaa! Let's take a look

First we have Mira Statue replaced with the Phantom Statue

You don't realize how scary it is to be alone in Jamaa Township at night.  Next where you spawn in has also changed.

I love all the pumpkins just hanging out. 
Last, but not least we have the water-fountain...

I have a fear of creepy people near water fountains. It was a foggy Halloween Night, Mldriver was out for her fair share of candy. Her mom, wanted to take a picture next to a creepy scarecrow (behind the water-fountain). When I sat next to it, he moved and I flipped out! Just to let you know I was only 7. I got so upset with my mom, but looking back at it, it's pretty hilarious. 

Okay! Now let's move onto the Item of the Day!

Aw, I wished a bought this one instead of the other one.

Mldriver: Hey dude, can I get a refund?
Diamond Worker: Um... no.
(Mldriver's dreams are crushed) 

If that made any sense...sorry won't do it again. 

For this part of the post, I would like to talk about...

A lot of Jammers have been asking me, "How do I get more diamonds?" 

Well there are a lot of different ways.

One way is that there is a code for 1 diamond, ONLY ONE. A lot of Jammers like to scam others by saying, "Gift me rares and you will get a diamond code!" Here is the code:

The next thing is that, you can get these in the Daily Spin. Your chances are pretty small, but it never hurts to try right? It might take awhile too. 

The last thing to do is, Buy a membership or a Diamond Certificate. Note that some of those Diamond Certificates do not include membership. You just need to look at the small print. 

I hope that helped some of you, if you have any other questions, let me know!

That's it for today guys!

Contact me at: mldriver.jamaa@gmail.com

p.s. I need something to say after each post, have any ideas? 


  1. If I had 100 more slots I would buy any den item that looks cool like these trapped Phantoms. I'm hoping for the old colour spike collars to come to the Diamond Shop soon (or in another store). But I know that scammers and "rare" Jammers won't be happy about it...

    Wow! Thanks for telling us about the changes in Jamaa Township today. I didn't realize it. I thought it would happen next Thursday (next update)!


    1. There are changes, but no Jamaa Township this Thursday! D:

    2. Spiked collars for everyone! Who cares what the scammers think. Actually if everyone had piked collars, that would ruin it for all the nice jammers that have spiked collars so forgot I said anything. My post is a waste of virtual space.

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah! The music is also soooooo spooky! GAHH!

    2. Steven King meets Animal Jam. Awesome!

    3. IKR This is soo spooky btw I have the music!

  3. Great job on today's post Mldriver! hmm... For a motto at the end of the post do something that has meaning to you and how you feel about animal jam! Mine is Adventure Awaits. Wish me luck on my math test!

    P.S. Love the humor in today's post

    1. Ya this is very very cool page!

    2. I agree, this a cool post!
      Good luck for your maths test! I had mine and I scored 19 out of 20! YAY! :) All the other students got less than 18. :P

    3. Yes, nice post! For a sign off, how about "The world is our playground, now let's go play!"

  4. Replies
    1. Cool! I am thinking of making one too. Can I watch it, what's your channel? :)

    2. Voxel Punch but dont go to the google account im connected to Its another one!

    3. Nice channel Voxel Punch. I subscribed!

  5. Ya ik the scams so if u want people to gift u pick from the codes tab!

    1. Yeah, I saw a jammer get scammed, but the guy who scammed did say the code 'twelve'. :D

    2. Why are there so many scammers on AJ? I don't get it!

    3. cuz there mean and dont wanna do the work

    4. LOL I saw a person say My den for headress code!

  6. i'd like more dimonds too but i like my floor phantom better idk it just looks better for parties BEACAUSE OF SCHOOL ill have to do my post of the missing otter later

    1. Cool! I wish we got 3 diamonds per week. That'd be better. XD

    2. I just realized the next area the AJ should add.... "Diamond Mines!"

    3. Mining for diamonds in Minecraft was one of my favorite things to do. If AJ had diamond mines, I would totally buy a membership. We would need some fancy pick axes too.

  7. I wish there were more den spaces too, I'd make a halloween den for each day of October! too much work though

    1. Ya but they might put up the old Halloween den!!!

    2. Yeah. There was a den called 'Spooky Den' last year. It was horror! /).(\

    3. Sounds scary. What was it like? Someone should post a picture.

    4. I wanna it back it looked so cool!

  8. So the phantom game were u protect the candy.... Well U get a PRIZE that is super rare cuz thats the oly way u get it and one per person so wow get to lvl 5 and u win it I got phantom scarecrow!!! It changes prize every year!!!

    1. To get to the game you must enter to the phantom vortex by jamma derby in jamma township!!!


    2. Yep! Everyone got the same prize probably, cause I got it too and so did my buddies...

    3. I wanted to play and get that prize.

  9. I love to see the Night of The Phantoms returning each year and getting more horrifying! I love the season of Halloween, it's scary! XD

    1. In this honor, I'm thinking of giving my blog a spooky makeover! Have any ideas, guys? >.<

    2. I always thought the "Ernest" movies were spooky. Maybe an "Ernest Goes To Camp" theme?


  10. Thanks for the diamond tips! I got 60 diamonds from my 12 month membership redeem! :D

    1. And an unbelievable fact is that I had 20 diamonds already when I was a nm, from the Daily Spin! It's really true, I bet my luck was so nice, but I only got the gifts once and they were junk... I have proof if you don't believe, I recorded it in one of my vids.. :)

    2. I couldn't imagine having 60 diamonds plus 20 for NM days. Very cool! You are like a diamondaire!

    3. I never got diamonds yet I bought all mine :P

  11. if u like pizza reply !!!!!!!!!! oliviaisbest123

  12. I have three diamonds from the daily spin. I wish I had more. I had one from the twelve code but I spent it on a gift for a jammer friend.

    1. I never got any from spin but I did get gifts!

  13. Halloween is so cool! I love the phantom cage! Awesome looking!

  14. They should make the phantom statue sing an eerie song when you go near it. That would be cool.

  15. That is so funny about the scarecrow that moved when you got near it. Was it one of those human statue type things that you see in the a city park? Did your mom know it was going to move when you got near it or did she think it was dome sort of decoration?

  16. DId u see the colored letters at the top?

    1. There all Halloween colored!!! I can barely see some!

  17. I dont think this is haloween yet cuz it just night of the phantoms but maybe there getting ready!
