Stone Vanity and Racoon Glitches

Hello Jammers! Arcticstar here, and today is a new day- and a new post!

Adding to the stone item collection, we have the stone vanity!

Hey! This looks just like the regular vanity, but with stone! The cool thing about this guy is that when you click the color change button, more things are added onto it! You can get hair dryers, more vases, straitening irons, and more! Get yours at Kimbara Outback today!

I discovered a little glitch with my raccoon and a camouflage jacket! When you dance it gets very small and misfigured...

Strange, very strange... Moving on!

Time for the fact of the day! 

A venomous snake can kill itself with its own bite.

Scary stuff! Maybe this is why it is game over when you play ssssnake on animal jam and bite yourself... Hmm...

Adventure Awaits!

Anything to say? Sure! Talk to me at


  1. Your posts are bad.

    1. Um, please don't be mean. I think Arcticstar's posts are great.

    2. That's very rude of you. I personally think they are great. Maybe it's your commenting that's bad.

    3. mildriver! dont be bad sport just cause cloud claws likes articstar's posts thats just rude

    4. Umm.. I was replying to the mean Anyonymous..

    5. So rude! The post is actually very good. I enjoyed it!

    6. For some reson lotta people dont like arctic stars posts... I Like them!!!

  2. ok and here's the story some more just let me look at my last comment to see my story!


  3. ok sorry for the wait for my story i had school and homework and all that ok so here is more

    the pups (i was told baby otters are pups not cubs) selteld asleep the next day tyclo woke early and woke kayla too "lets go play!" he demanded "i bet im tuffer!" he teased."are not!" retorted kyla and lept to her feet."lets find out than!" said tyclo as he wakled tward the den exit."not without me" growled lusa trying not to sound intimidating."aww mom we wont go far can we go?" pleaded tyclo "alright" replied as the pups paded over to the snow "im a big walrus! im gonna get you!" said tyclo intimidatingly charging onto his sister "yuo better hurry!" he yelled as her pounced onto her."ahh" she sreeked as she burried and dug farther avioding her brother and finily he caught her."enough fooling around its time to get onto our journey its a change of plans wheree going to a place called jamaa no worries we'll have grass and berries to eat remember?" said lusa "now we must be on our way". they paded across the snow untill she found a hole in the ice she sniffed the air "fish" she whisperd and she waited for what seemed like days but only a couple hours intill she saw a fish jump up she slahed its thowat and they all ate and ate the hudge salmon

    BE PREPARED TOMARROW IT WILL BE VERRY VERRY SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ok i may have spelled like evrything wrong but there you go!

    1. thx it is rlly sad i can give u a sneak peak of the sadness

    2. Nice story. Keep up the good work!

    3. I like the story! I cant wait to see it!

  4. A T-Rex can kill itself with it's own bite too. Well, not anymore since they are extinct and all. You would think a snake would build up immunity to it's own poison. Or at least win immunity in a daily challenge.

  5. Ah ha! That's were I left my hairdryer! Now, where was my straightening iron again?

  6. The vanity is cool. Needs a bigger mirror though!

  7. That camo jacket thing is weird. I guess they miss some stuff in Quality Control. Finding these errors add a little more fun to the game.

  8. Weird glitch! And i didn't know about the vanity, COOL!!! I will make sure to get that and maybe i will trade my sister for the RIM today! :)
