Rare Item Monday! + Frog Wrangler?!

Hey, Jammers! It’s CoolCat here with another post! How are you all doing? I hope you had a great weekend! I don’t usually share stories on my posts but, I thought this one was too good not to share! Last night we had a frog in our house!

It all started when my cat Oreo was going crazy after something behind a container we have behind our front door. After moving the containers a bit there was the frog. I stayed back at first until I found out it was a frog.
We have had some crazy critters sneak into our house before, with the most startling one being a snake. But once I found out it wasn’t a snake I started to help. My mom is pretty scared of frogs, but I’m not so I made sure to catch it without it getting hurt or eaten by Oreo. So my mom grabbed a bucket and a fly swatter for me to guide it into the bucket. But let me tell you I didn’t catch it easily! It jumped all over the living room, behind our tv, into the dining room, and on two of our dining room chairs, one of which my Nana was sitting on, before I was able to put the bucket upside down over the frog.
After I caught my mom Nana and I were celebrating! But then after the quick celebration I realized I had to now pick up the bucket without letting the frog out. I then asked my mom for a thin piece of paper to slide under the bucket. She found one for me and I was finally able to successfully get the frog outside, but not before I said bye to the cute little froggy! I then realized our next door neighbor was in his driveway probably wondering what I was cooing over and saying bye to.

And that is my super long frog story! Do you guys like stories like this? I don’t know if you guys would believe it but stuff like this happened quite often. Next time it happens I can talk about it! Has something like this happened to you guys? What is the craziest thing that snuck in your house? Comment down below!

Now let’s continue this post with today’s Rare Item Monday!

Today’s Rare Item Monday for Animal Jam is the Rare Box Head!

Thoughts: I’m honestly not a huge fan of this item. It’s a red box with scary eyes. This one is just okay in my opinion. Overall I rate it a 4. Now let’s move onto Play Wilds Rare Item Monday!

Today’s Rare Item Monday for Play Wild is the Rare Tarantula Mask!

Thoughts: I definitely know you guys won’t believe this after hearing the frog story, but I am terrified  of any and all kinds of spiders!! Even one the size of a dime or smaller will make me faint. Okay I might be a little dramatic but still... Even though I can’t stand spiders I actually like this mask! I know I said a week or two ago that I don’t like masks, I feel this one is an exception. I really like this one! Overall I rate it a 10!!

Which Rare Item Monday was your favorite? I think you guys know mine! I guess I should end this super long post here. See you guys next week! But before I go here is today’s verse.

“I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed — I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses, “declares the Lord, “that I am God.” -Isaiah 43:11-12

As always, bye Jammers! And -Jam On!-

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