Fall Den!

Hello hello happy fall y'all! (idk) I hope you guys are having a fantastic day so far! I'm currently awaiting the mail to come, because I'm getting a letter, and a package... Our mail always comes so late, so I'm very on edge right now. XDD

Today I decided to show you guys a cute fall den I've been working on! I didn't make a halloween den, because I don't celebrate halloween. A post about why I don't celebrate halloween will come later this month, but to get an idea of why, you can read Housemom322's post that she wrote on my blog, by clicking here. Aaand for a very long in-depth reason of why you can click here.

But as for now, here's the fall den that I made!


This is the entrance! You'll see in all of the den that I tried to use warm colors, with lots of oranges, browns, and yellows.

This is kinda the study/breakfast nook. I love the acorn tea pot, so I had to use that in this room!

A very tiny living room. XD

And the bedroom! I tried to make it a little similar to what my room in real life is. I have pictures above my bed, and my beginner guitar and full size guitar near the wall (which in my real room is actually closer to the head of my bed XD).

And the backyard! I was going to add a porch swing back here, but I felt that it took up too much room.

I hope this den tour gives you some inspiration on how to decorate your own fall den!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Romans 5:3

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.

No matter what problems and trials you're facing, God is bigger than it, and if you believe and trust in Him, He will get you through it.


  1. Someone send this to AJ to show that you don't need to make GIANT CONTINENT SIZED DENS to make something incredible!

    1. Also, smaller dens are easier and neater to decorate and they aren't overwhelming.
