Small Picture Dump!

Helloooooo guys!

I decided that I'm gonna take a break from the crazy intros I normally do, because I keep running out of ideas that they aren't even funny... XD

Today, I decided I'd do a little picture dump! Some of it will be Animal Jam photos, random music pictures, and stuff like that. I hope you enjoy! ^.^


This is the Bible verse image I used for one of my blog posts on AJFC! You can read the post by clicking here.

I think I got this from Animal Jam Graphic Central! I've had it on my desktop for quite a while now!

Sorry this picture is so tiny, but I took a picture of this on the emoji Animal Jam Box Jam-A-Gram ad. This emoji hasn't been released, but there was a rumor a while back that only the Jambassadors have it. Not sure if it's true or not though. But it's pretty interesting they put it on one of the Animal Jam Box items!

A golden horse in someones den! These are so cool looking. XD

Just hanging out with Housemom418, and Sarahkey8! We were talking about the dog Sarah and Ja are getting, whose name is Trump. There were people there, so I was announcing to everyone we were talking about a dog, and not the president, because we were saying how adorable their dog is. XDD

While we were there, someone was asking if they can get boneless pizza... I have no idea guys.

"Auntie Marley"
I have no idea why, but that just cracked me up, and still makes me laugh when I see this picture. XDD

I think We Are Messengers (my favorite Christian band) changed their logo... :oooooo

These are some new promo items! I'm not sure if they come with the new Animal Jam Box or something, but they remind me of McDonald's toys... For some... Strange... Reason...
I really love the mad emoji one! It just looks so cute. XD

Look at iiiiiiit

This was the amount of diamonds I had yesterday... I think that was the most I've ever had. So if you guys want something from the diamond shop, but don't have enough diamonds, pleeeeeeease don't hesitate to ask me for something. It can be one item, five items, I don't care. XD I rarely use my diamonds anymore.

This was what our old van looked like... (No, we didn't get it from 'Horizon Auto Group & Parts', I have no idea who they are. I just googled a picture of our van XD) But recently it broke down, and we had to get a new car. Crazy story behind that. If you want to read about what happened, you can click here (post 1), and here (post 2)!

Okay, I'll admit, this wasn't originally on my desktop, but I wanted to screenshot these to show you guys the short my mom ordered for my yesterday! Yes, another We Are Messengers shirt.

It looks like an ordinary shirt...


This is from a song off of their new album, that isn't even released yet... Hopefully it'll come out soon! I'm super excited about their new album.
And guuuuys, it says Nashville TN on it. :o Home of a lot of Christian music. :')

Coolcat, I found your twin. O.O

An insanely hectic roleplay.

Whenever I create a backup account, I try to do the weirdest emojis, just to take a picture of that, and Peck saying "I know just what you mean."
I guess Peck knows that I really want some ice cream.


Well, I hope you enjoy today's post! Sorry if you've seen some of the pictures before.


Here's todays Bible verse!

Psalm 40:2

He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.

This verse is something I really needed today. Last night I had a really bad panic attack, and while I was lying in bed this morning, I literally thought to myself, "It feels like I'm in a pit." Just with anxiety surrounding me. Then when I got up, I read this verse on, and it really did happen. Later that morning my anxiety was gone. Isn't it amazing when stuff like that happens, just when you need it most?

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!

....Aaaand my signature won't load. My computer is being weird. So uh- just imagine my signature here please? XD


  1. Replies
    1. Whoops sorry that wasn’t suppose to be xx, it’s was suppose to be XD****
