Rare Item Monday!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! Since yesterday was Mothers Day, did any of you do something special? It has been pretty stormy where I am the past few days, so we didn't really do anything special. We were going to make brownies yesterday, but we decided to do it today. How did you celebrate?

But for now lets start off with todays Rare Item Monday!

There seems to be two Rare Item Monday items this week! One in Animal Jam and one in Play Wild.

The Rare Item Monday for Animal Jam is the Rare Turtle shell!

Thoughts: I absolutely love this weeks Rare Item Monday! It reminds me of a Mario kart turtle shell. I think the turtle shells are cool in general, but the color scheme of the brown, white, blue, and magenta make it better! Overall I rate the turtle shell a 10!

The Rare Item Monday for Play Wild is the Rare Kite!

Thoughts: I really like this weeks Rare Item Monday as well! I think its a great item since spring is upon us. I really love the blue kite with the pink sun design and the pretty pink bows on it. Who wouldn't like the beautiful colors AJHQ chose?! Overall I rate the kite a 10!

Make sure you comment down below which Rare Item Monday item is your favorite! Personally my favorite is the kite!

Here is todays verse.

"You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalms 139:13-14

As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~


  1. Woah. Have I seen this post somewhere?

  2. Yes, on the Animal Jam Friendship Community blog.

  3. Oof, I thought that was going to be a reply.
