Who Would Make The Best Alpha President? And Fashion Show Elimination!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here with another Tuuueeesday post! Last night, I was totally puzzled  on what I was going to do a blog post about. My parents were throwing out suggestions, but they weren't very Animal Jam related. But then, I got an idea! I was going to combine a non-Animal Jam topic, with an Animal Jam topic! So today, in honor of last nights Presidential Debate, I'm going to be talking about who would make the best Alpha President! We are going to talk about each Alpha, then come to the conclusion of who would be the best leader/President! First up is.. Liza!

Credit to Animal Jam Graphic Central for the picture.

Liza is pretty well know to lots of Jammers. She has always been a traveler and an explorer! She vividly remembers the day her travels took her to Jamaa. Liza totally seems like a very kind, helpful Alpha. But deep down inside, she probably wants to fight for her land. The land we all know and love, Jamaa. 

Credit to Animal Jam Graphic Central for the picture.

Sir Gilbert is polite, and (he believes) sensibly cautions. He takes the time to hear all the viewpoints before making decisions. Despite his fearsome appearance, Sir Gilbert yearns for a quieter life. Gilbert for sure, would make a good leader! 

Credit to Animal Jam Graphic Central for the picture.

Greely is for sure.. Mysterious. Greely and Sir Gilbert took an instant dislike towards each other. They avoid one another as much as possible. Greely may be the least understood of the Alpha animals. Greely spends most of his time alone, and far from Jamaa, observing the movements of the Phantoms. I've been observing this cast-looking-thing on his tail.. I wonder if he once got hurt by the Phantoms. Very puzzling! 

Credit to Animal Jam Graphic Central for the picture.

Peck is very creative, and is very artistic! Peck will greet you when you come to Jamaa for the first time. I honestly don't know much about Peck. She seems to be an Alpha that isn't really talked about. But from what I see, she seems to be a kind hearted bunny, full of energy and creativity! Her favorite hobby is probably art! She is normally shown with a paintbrush, and a paint pallet. 

Credit to Animal Jam Graphic Central for the picture.

Graham is another creative Alpha it seems. He is always inventing something! For some reason, he seems to be an alpha no one talks about. Which is strange, because he is so good at inventing, which could really help out Jamaa. His hair and goggles closely resemble.. 

MAD SCIENTIST HAIR!! MWHAHA! Okay sorry.. I couldn't help myself.. 

Credit to Animal Jam Graphic Central for the picture.

Cosmo seemed to be a pretty typical koala. He spent most of his time in trees, eating leaves, normal koala stuff right? But even then, despite his koala-ish appearance, there was something different about Cosmo. He understood.. Plants?! He could understand what they were "saying" in Jamaa. He seems like a very talented, fun-loving guy! 

Now its time to come to the conclusion of who would make the best Alpha President! In my opinion, Liza or Sir Gilbert would be the best choice. They both seem kind, and are ready to fight for their land, whenever trouble strikes. Comment below on who YOU think would be the best Alpha President! 

Now its time for Fashion Show elimination! Lets see who got eliminated this week. 

Miss Windyspirit got voted out this week. Good job! You did really good! Comment down below on who you think should be voted out! This is the final round! 

Heres this weeks Bible verse! 

Romans 15:13

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Remember, God made YOU! 

Until next Tuesday, this is Graciepopstar91 signin' off! 

Credit to the Daily Explorer for some of the Alpha info! I believe the posts about the Alphas were removed though.

Rare Item Monday! Unusual Shop This Week?

Hey, Jammer's!  CoolCat here with another post!  And its Monday!  Which you all know what that means.  It's time for another Rare Item Monday!!  So before we get started....

 Its time for another episode of Fine The Rare!  As usual, the first place I always look is Jam-Mart Clothing.  And it wasn't there.  So I checked in all my other usual places where the rares have been recently.  And they weren't there either!  So after that I decided to see if Animal Jam's blog, The Daily Explorer could help me out.  So I seen it, and it was a pirate hook!  So I thought it has to be underwater! Duh!  So then I found it!  So let's get started on the actual RIM post!

Today's rare is The Rare Pirate Hook!  It is located in Bahari Bay's Bahari Bargains, on the fourth page.  It is for sale for 650 gems and is members only.  The color scheme is green and orange.  I don't really like this item, if I'm being honest.  I don't like the way the Pirate Hook's look on most underwater animals.  Plus, I don't really go underwater much at all.  So I wouldn't really be able to find much use out of it.  But! I did buy quite a few of them.  I like to give them away to new members, or people needing gems.

This weeks rare was in a shop I wasn't expecting!  Comment down below if you had to ask where it was, or check The Daily Explorer to find it!

As always.  Bye, Jammer's!  And ~Jam On!~

Grocery Bags and Interesting Jamaa Map Feature

Hey guys! It's Penguin and I'm finally back to posting. For today, the new item is in Jam Mart Furniture.
The second part of this post will include the Daily Explorer update. Obvious, right?
 The last thing I want to show you is on the world map. As you can see, the map hasn't been updated and doesn't have the old version of Jammer Central without the large gem.
That's pretty weird!
That's all I have for this post, I'll see you guys soon.

Costume Corner #1, And Fashion Show Elimination!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here with yet another Tuesday post! Today, I will be showing you how to make a really cute outfit! So without further ado, lets take a look at my version of Costume

For this outfit you will need: 

Raccoon: 1,000 Gems 
Raccoon Hat: 1,750 Gems (located in Epic Wonders)
Ribbon Scarf: 500 Gems (located in Jam-Mart-Clothing)
Elf Tail Armor: 4 Diamonds (located in the Diamond Shop) 

Total: 3,250 Gems, and 4 Diamonds 


I hope you enjoyed this little episode of Costume Corner! I will probably do more of these in the future! 

Now it's time to see who got voted out of the Fashion Show contest! 

Looks like Countess Icygem got voted out this week. So sorry Countess! 

Comment down below with who you think should be voted out next week! And remember, please be kind when voting other Jammers out. Good luck! 

I hope you enjoyed this weeks post! 

Heres this weeks Bible verse!

Psalm 29:11

The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.

Remember, God made YOU! 

Rare Item Monday!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! I'm sorry I have been posting later than usual! I will try to post earlier! So, today is Monday! Which brings another Rare Item Monday! And it also brings another story of ''finding the rare''. But I'll spare you the details today, its a rather long story this week. So lets get started!

Todays rare is Rare Safari Boots! They are located in Jam-Mart Clothing on the fifth page. They are members only, and cost 1,200 gems. That's SUPER high for Jam-Mart Clothing! The color scheme is black with blue straps. I'm kind of torn on this item. As a ''Safari'' item this drops the bar very low. I found out the items name before I seen it. So I was expecting leopard print boots or something more safari like. When I seen them, I was pretty disappointed.  But as just boots, in general I think its a great item! At 1,200 gems though, it should be.

I'm sorry this post is sort of short! Comment down below if you were expecting a more ''Safari Like'' item as well!

As always. Bye, Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~

Fashion Show Voting In Session, And A Highlighted Den!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 heeeere with yet another Tuesday post! Today was the last day to submit your Fashion Show entries for my contest! So without further ado, lets take a look at our entries!  

Now its time to vote Jammers out. Comment below with the tag name of the Jammer you want out! Whoever gets the most votes out, will get a little X on their animal picture. To keep all fair, please only vote once per round. Have fun voting! 

Today, I've decided to highlight a cute den! This den is a pet den by Sarahkey8! 

Comment below of what you think of her den! 

Heres this weeks Bible verse! 

2 Corinthians 10:17-18

As the Scriptures say, "If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD." When people commend themselves, it doesn't count for much. The important thing is for the Lord to commend them.

Remember, God made YOU!

Until next Tuesday, this is Graciepopstar91 signin' off! 

Finally A Non-Member Rare Item Monday?! Plus A Reminder!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here! Today, CoolCat has been having problems posting, so I texted her, got the idea that she can text me her post, and I can post it up! Here it is!


Hey, Jammers! CoolCat here with another post! And it's time for another Rare Item Monday!! I checked Jam-Mart Clothing and I was happily surprised to see a non-member Rare Item Monday! So let's get right into it!! 

Today's Rare Item Monday is an AJ Wristband! It's location is in Jam-Mart Clothing. It is for sale for 900. It is also on page 13 in the clothing store. It's color scheme is green and orange, with a hint of what looks like gold. And it is for non-members! 

I really like this item! It has a nice, different color scheme. Though it does not show up well on my bunny!  These wristbands are great for all sorts of styles. Recolored items just give you more to work with! And it's even better that non-members can enjoy this also!! 

STYLE TIP: I find that these AJ Wristbands can work great as a leg item filler! 

REMINDER: The Summer Carnival is leaving THIS THURSDAY!! Enjoy it while you can!! 

Comment down below if you would like me to add a style tip with every RIM if I have one to share! 

As always. Bye, Jammers! And ~Jam On!~


Returning Items and Jammer Sundae #60!

Greetings, it's Arctic, back again with yet another post! Did you miss me? *realizes it's only been a week* Boy was it ever a long week though!

I just started school again this week and It. Has. Been. Rough. I just started grade 10 (first year of High School where I am) and I'm already having a tough time adjusting! It's incredibly lonely, the classes are difficult, and I haven't made any friends, so I've just been having a bad time. BUT, what's making me feel better through all of this is getting to make posts for you guys, so thank you so much for reading my posts and sticking around!!

I'm not really sure which of these were released today, so I'll just introduce them all! Welcome back four items: The Pirate Hat (250 gems), the Flower Pot Hat (550 gems), the High Heels (500 gems), and the Wristwatch (450 gems)! Each of these items have been previously released, and are coming back to Jam Mart Clothing today. So go out and get one for your outfits, Jammers!

And now, it is time for:

What should we do this week? Well, lemurs are coming to Animal Jam soon, so why don't we do African Animals?

CHAAAAAARRRRGGGE!! Or wait, maybe not... RETREAT!

Have you ever gotten as worked up as this guy?

Such grace, such elegance

credits to BBC
And finally, a cute hippo to make your day brighter:

reddit (on the hippo page)

And now, for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Boondoggle: A waste of time

I sure hope this post isn't a boondoggle!

Our fact of the day:

It's a common myth that lemurs can hang from tree branches by their tails - they actually can't!

The more you know!

Have a great week Jammers, see you soon!

Come visit me in Jamaa! Or, contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !

Pirate Beard, Lemur Video and Complete 6th B-day Cake

It's the great and powerful Penguin! No, actually, it's not the great and powerful Penguin. It's just the Penguin that posts here. So yeah, I'm back and ready for another Saturday post on the Animal Jam Community Blog! These last few weeks have been tough. I started 7th grade on August 25th. However, the worst day of school came yesterday. Right before my final class ended, it started pouring down rain. My mom was at work and she couldn't get anyone to pick me up, so I had to walk in it to get to Boys and Girls Club. (I go there after school every day). My bookbag was ruined, along with mostly everything in it! Now I have to re-write all my assignments and hope that my school laptop still works properly. Anyways, enough of my life- let's begin the post. Here is today's new item.
If you want the Pirate Beard, you can find it in Jam Mart Clothing. And then, here is the latest version of the Daily Explorer.
 So, it looks as if AJ can confirmed Lemurs are coming. There's even an area on the Jamaa Journal now that says so.
Because there's a video, about them, here it is.
Interesting! What do you guys think about the Lemur? Will they be a failure, or a success? In my opinion, I feel like AJHQ has been releasing way too many animals lately. I wish they'd make a new land instead.
Finally, every year AJHQ releases a birthday cake. Here is the 6th birthday cake when it is all finished (everything has been clicked on. By clicking on it in different spots, it will gain features)
Now, that's all I have for this post. I hope you enjoyed it, and come back to this blog for more posts from the other awesome authors! Until next time, goodbye.

The Case Of The Missing Meerkat - A True Story, Contest Entry Deadline Extended, And Exciting News!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here! Instead of a regular post today, Im going to tell you guys a story that really happened to me. I call it, "The Case Of The Missing Meerkat" Here it goes!


It was August 27th 2016. Which is me and my dads birthday! We sat down and opened gifts. In my birthday card, my Mom put an Animal Jam Gift Card in it! I opened my other gift, then headed right onto AJ to redeem my card. With Mom standing close by, I excitedly typed in the membership code. And I got the exclusive meerkat furniture with the gift card! I completely forgot that I would get that! Then after I got my furniture, it was time to make my meerkat!

 My birthday decor was teal and white, so that was just how I made my meerkat! When you get the meerkat, you can choose its personality! Me and my Mom looked through the personalities, and we both liked the personality where the meerkat eats a dessert. I named my meerkat, and then excitedly clicked ADOPT. But then, a weird error popped up! It looked like this. 

This. Was. Heartbreaking. I tried renaming it to see if there was some glitch, but it didn't work! So I quickly went to the Daily Explorer to seek help. I believe the Daily Explorer moderator that was helping me was HM. She was so kind and helpful. I was blessed that she was helping me. She said to refresh. Now, I was really scared to because I was worried it would completely get rid of my meerkat! She didn't think it would, but to take some pictures for record. I nervously refreshed, but nothing popped up saying to make my meerkat. I looked in my animals, and nope. Nothin' there. I thought this glitch may have happened because my animal slots were full.. Whoopsy... Any who, I quickly told HM that my meerkat still wasn't there. Then to my horror, she told me to email AJHQ.. AJHQ normally didn't reply to emails very fast. But I had to do it. I quickly wrote an email. Heres a tiny bit of what I said. 

Hello AJHQ! Im Graciepopstar91. Today my parents gave me an Animal Jam gift card. I was making my brand new meerkat, and I was going to adopt it. But then an error popped up saying that it can’t be adopted right now! Heres a photo.

So I quickly went on the Daily Explorer and tried to get help. Comment moderator, HM, said to sign out. I asked her if she thinks it would discard my pet. She didn’t think so, put said to take some screenshots for record. I took some screenshots, then logged out. I logged back in and discarded a pet cause my slots were full. I checked to see if I could make one, but I didn’t see it on the list! Im very upset about this. 

All I could do now was wait. Then that same day, I got a reply back! AJHQ  needed some additional information like, the card number, pin, the retailer my parents bought the card from, etc.
Now, I gave them the wrong info.. Thankfully I don't believe they even saw it, so two days later, my mom sent them an email with the correct needed information. Then two days later, AJHQ replied, saying this. 

Thank you contacting Animal Jam Headquarters. 

We understand you did not receive the pet Meerkat with the recent redemption of a Retail Gift Card. We see that your player account, Graciepopstar91, currently has full pet inventory. Please release 2 or 3 pets to make space for the Meerkat. After you have done this, the Meerkat should pop up and be applied to your account. If it does not, however, please let us know right away.

We are happy to be of assistance to you in any way. If you ever have any questions or comments, please feel free to email us again.


Caterina S.
Animal Jam HQ

We were making progress! I quickly released some pets, but the meerkat didn't pop up. Ugh. So I sent them yet another email. 

I already had one slot open, and I opened one more, but I still don’t see my meerkat. I refreshed too. Does it take a few days? 

I think I opened a slot right after the meerkat glitch on the 27th.. This was sure a mystery. Two days later I finally received a reply. This was getting frustrating. 

Your request is the kind that requires extra attention and special care. We will be escalating this for more advanced research and you can expect an emailed response from us in the next 48 hours. However, on the weekends, this wait time may be extended.

We truly appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any additional concerns, questions or feedback, please let us know by responding to this ticket and we would be happy to assist you!


Katie M.

By now I was certainly loosing hope. I just wanted to go out and trade one, but my Mom said that may look suspicious or something. I suppose she was right. But I still really wanted that meerkat! I simply replied with this: 

Thank you very much Katie! I really apreciate it. 

Then that same day, I got an email from someone named Stormy H. 

Thank you for contacting Animal Jam Headquarters.

Per our investigation into your issue, we are sending the following items to the account Graciepopstar91. The follow items to be sent to your Player Account are:

Pet Meerkat

Please allow for 48 hours for your item to be delivered.


Stormy H.

Hooray! They were about to send out my meerkat! Then the next day.. I checked my Jam-A-Grams, and saw this letter from AJHQ. 

I quickly opened my gift and I got.. 

My meerkat! What a relief! I quickly made it just the way I was going to last time! But this time,  I added a little flower in my meerkats fur. Heres what she looks like! 

It was a case that took about 8 days, but it was so worth it in the end! 


I hope you enjoyed reading this little story! 

I wanted to let you guys know that the Fashion Show Contest deadline has been extended. Entries are now due on September 13th. 

I also have some exciting news... September 11th, Im having a Bible Quiz Night on Animal Jam! Its going to be at 7 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time), 10 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), and 8 PM MST (Mountain Standard Time, which is also AJHQ's time zone!) It will be held at my den (graciepopstar91's den). I hope you guys can come! 

Heres this weeks Bible verse!

Proverbs 11:14

Without wise leadership, a nation falls;  there is safety in having many advisers.

Remember, God made YOU! 

Until next Tuesday, this is Graciepopstar91 signin' out! 

Animal Jam's Most Epic Rare Item Monday Ever?!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! And yes, today is Monday. And you know what that means! Its time for another rare item Monday! I was not feeling very well today so I didn't go on AJ early to see todays rare. That's also why this post is later than usual. Sorry about that guys! Anyways, so my friend asked me if I had seen it and I said no I have not. So I went to the daily explorer to see what it was. And all the I seen was a outline of a Top Hat. And I thought they brought back a Top Hat or made some new color. And I was half right!! After doing some detective work I seen that it was a magenta Top Hat! Whew, it seems I have a story with every rare item Monday! Lets just jump right into todays rare!

Todays rare was in a ''Secret Location''. I have to admit when I heard that, I thought it would be in a new hidden shop, or in a shop nobody would think to check. But it ended up being in the Diamond Shop. I didn't have to search for it when I logged on cause I already knew where it was. But even though I knew where it was, having it be in the Diamond Shop took away some of the excitement.

Todays rare is members only, and cost two diamonds. If I had to rate this item I would give it a 7. I do love magenta items, but this one has no color scheme. Which can make an outfit as a whole a tad over whelming. But if you style it just right it will look great! I really like magenta items! But Animal Jam has very few of them. So it was hard to find other magenta items to match with this Top Hat. But its possible to find them! I paired my Top Hat with a Magenta Jersey, Magenta Necklace, and Magenta Woven Slippers. I will add in a picture tomorrow!

*To make a long story short, I was supposed to go to the phone company Sunday. But the person who always helps us wasn't working that day. But the person on the phone said he would be there Monday. We were going to go today but I felt ill and so did my mom. We tried to see if he could help us over the phone but he was busy all day. But my mom and I are feeling better and we will go tomorrow. And I will go back to this post and add in a picture! Thanks for understanding and I cant wait to make better quality posts!*

As always. Bye, Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~

Return of the Backpack and Jammer Sundae #59 (probably?)

Greetings, Jammers! It's Arctic, ready to post another Sunday post for this week. Sorry about the late post, I slept in!

Today we have a returning item in the shops of Jamaa (more specifically, Jam Mart Clothing). Welcome to the stage, the Backpack! (small cheers) The item itself is great, and is well liked throughout Animal Jam. The only issue is, this item helps mark the return of school! Not quite sure how I'm supposed to feel about that return haha! Anywho, this item can be bought for 400 gems, which isn't a bad price. So go ahead, and buy one!

And now, it is time for this week's:

Hmm... How about we do funny reptiles and amphibians this week, eh?

First, a frog who really has puns:


Someone's gonna have a very rough time in a moment:

Just had to make sure:

could not find original source

And finally, a toad with a lovely smile:


That's all for this week folks, see you next time!

Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !