Pirate Beard, Lemur Video and Complete 6th B-day Cake

It's the great and powerful Penguin! No, actually, it's not the great and powerful Penguin. It's just the Penguin that posts here. So yeah, I'm back and ready for another Saturday post on the Animal Jam Community Blog! These last few weeks have been tough. I started 7th grade on August 25th. However, the worst day of school came yesterday. Right before my final class ended, it started pouring down rain. My mom was at work and she couldn't get anyone to pick me up, so I had to walk in it to get to Boys and Girls Club. (I go there after school every day). My bookbag was ruined, along with mostly everything in it! Now I have to re-write all my assignments and hope that my school laptop still works properly. Anyways, enough of my life- let's begin the post. Here is today's new item.
If you want the Pirate Beard, you can find it in Jam Mart Clothing. And then, here is the latest version of the Daily Explorer.
 So, it looks as if AJ can confirmed Lemurs are coming. There's even an area on the Jamaa Journal now that says so.
Because there's a video, about them, here it is.
Interesting! What do you guys think about the Lemur? Will they be a failure, or a success? In my opinion, I feel like AJHQ has been releasing way too many animals lately. I wish they'd make a new land instead.
Finally, every year AJHQ releases a birthday cake. Here is the 6th birthday cake when it is all finished (everything has been clicked on. By clicking on it in different spots, it will gain features)
Now, that's all I have for this post. I hope you enjoyed it, and come back to this blog for more posts from the other awesome authors! Until next time, goodbye.


  1. That video I knew an elephant was going to be involved. wait.. HOW DID IT GET THERE? OMG XD

  2. (MYTH) Omg I'm so sorry that happened to you I was in seventh grade last ur and it wasn't too bad for me lol hopefully ur laptop still works

  3. Sorry to hear about your things Penguin!

    Great post, by the way, I love reading them!

    - Arctic
