Costume Corner #1, And Fashion Show Elimination!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here with yet another Tuesday post! Today, I will be showing you how to make a really cute outfit! So without further ado, lets take a look at my version of Costume

For this outfit you will need: 

Raccoon: 1,000 Gems 
Raccoon Hat: 1,750 Gems (located in Epic Wonders)
Ribbon Scarf: 500 Gems (located in Jam-Mart-Clothing)
Elf Tail Armor: 4 Diamonds (located in the Diamond Shop) 

Total: 3,250 Gems, and 4 Diamonds 


I hope you enjoyed this little episode of Costume Corner! I will probably do more of these in the future! 

Now it's time to see who got voted out of the Fashion Show contest! 

Looks like Countess Icygem got voted out this week. So sorry Countess! 

Comment down below with who you think should be voted out next week! And remember, please be kind when voting other Jammers out. Good luck! 

I hope you enjoyed this weeks post! 

Heres this weeks Bible verse!

Psalm 29:11

The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.

Remember, God made YOU! 


  1. I think I'm gonna have to vote out Miss Windyspirit. It's a very cute outfit though!


  2. The hard thing about this is now I know who EVERYONE IS! :( But uhhhhh I'm going to have to vote out Miss Windyspirit too.. It is reallyl cute though!
