Rare Item Monday!

Greetings, Jammers, Arcticstar here, with yet another post!

Today's rare item is the Rare Spring Flower Crown! I am tremendously happy about this rare item, and although it is just a retextured item, I like it! One thing I'm not too happy about, however is the price - 1250 for a rare item that is sold in Jam Mart Furniture? Oh well, it is what it is, I suppose. Be sure to buy the Rare Flower Crown while it is still around!

And now it is time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Conflate: to blend together

Could you conflate strawberries and bananas to make a smoothie?

Our fact of the day:

Does this work? Who knows! I should definitely test it out to confirm it!

Have a lovely day Jammers! See you tomorrow bright and early, with a new post!

Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !

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