Cosmic Necklace and Jammer Sundae #56!

Greetings Jammers, Arcticstar here! The authors and I have decided to combine several different joyous occasions into one celebration for the long awaited pageview party! These are: The Pagview Celebration, and the 1000 posts celebration! Please bear with me for a little longer, as I promise to hold a spectacular celebration some time soon. Any suggestions would be immensely appreciated!

Today's new item is sold for 1000 gems in the Clothing Orb of Epic Wonders. Introducing the cosmic necklace! I think that this is a nice item - it has a cool design, and the colour options are great. I think it looks a lot like a medal, so it would look great in a sports outfit of some sort as well! Be sure to buy one of these if you like them, because I likely will as well!

And now, it is time for:

I think this week we should do baby animals, as springtime is here!

Such terror!

The first day out into the great big world of spring:

When the puns are real:

Just look at him!

And now, it is time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Mellifluous: Sweet sounding

Even the word itself sounds like its definition!

Our fact of the day:

A can of diet coke will float in water, while a regular can will sink.

I wonder if this is true - I have never tested it!

Have a wonderful day, Jammers!
Feel free to contact me at !


  1. Aww, I'm gonna have to go with the "fierce" bird as my favorite! The baby toucan is SO CUTE too!
