Snow Cloud + Extra Updates

What can rares not buy? A true friend.
It's Penguin here, that one guy that posts on Saturdays. (Ha, I kinda like "that one guy that posts on Saturdays")
The opening question is actually something to think about if you noticed... sometimes I like to include small things like that. Anyways, here is the new item for today, sold in the Diamond Shop:
Also, there are a few departing items you might want to pick up.

There have been a few changes around Jamaa that aren't quite popular yet. Here are a few.
If you look closely, you'll notice that the Nametags now have a little gloss on them. They are lighter than usual. It looks like another new addition to the update!
Also, this MIGHT not be new, but I noticed that it was different than the last time I saw it. Jammer Central does not have a Calendar and instead has Play Wild updates! I'm pretty sure few people know about this.
When you click on the Play Wild part, this comes up:
This has been a great update so far, but the most surprising part of all for me was how small Goats were. I was expecting them to be much bigger.
What do you think of the update? Are there any others things that I didn't mention? Feel free to comment your thoughts below- and remember to Jam on.


  1. Hey, I noticed that too. Like, the day the update happened cuz the colors are also lighter. So to me it stood out. :P
    Uhhhh... The Play Wild Calendar happened a looonggg time ago! :P Ok not that long but I think it happened like around the last Jamaa Journal or the one before that... :/ -lostfairy
