AJC Hits Two Million Pageviews!

Greetings Jammers, Arcticstar here!

I am aware that I am a bit late on this - however, I am nonetheless proud to say that the Animal Jam Community Blog has reached over two million pageviews! From years of this blog's existence and the support of loyal readers like you, we have reached a milestone! Thank you to all of you that have, and continue to read our posts everyday. It means a great deal to my fellow authors and I that our writing is being viewed and appreciated by wonderful Jammers!

And so, to celebrate this momentous occasion, I indubitably must host a party some day! I will have to get back to you all about a date and time, but I will start discussing times with the authors as soon as possible. It would be greatly helpful if in the comments you could leave your time zone so we can figure out a good time that generally works for the most amount of people!
Also, I have been meaning to get a new poll up on the blog - I will speak with Pumaa about that soon!

Now, on to the actual post:

Today's new item is the Tin Foil Antlers, which are sold in Jam Mart Clothing! This item is cute, and I can already think of some outfit ideas. Be sure to buy them if you like them as they are only 650 gems!

My apologies for not having a Jammer Sundae today! Despite the fact that it is Sunday, I felt it would be more important to draw attention to the Pageviews celebration rather than a Jammer Sundae!

And now, it is time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Indubitably: Undoubtedly; without a doubt

The Animal Jam Community hitting 2 million page views is indubitably an amazing feat (this has quickly become one of my favourite words, hee hee)

Our fact of the day:

Studies have shown that people who regularly help others selflessly are significantly happier and are far less prone to becoming depressed as they grow older.

Let us all slowly become better, kinder, helpful people!

Happy Jamming, my friends!

Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !


  1. Yay! AJC reached 2,000,000 pageviews. Lets see if we can hit 500+ more by the end of 2016. We can do this! Arctic, my time zone is Pacific. Hope that helps!

    1. Hooray! I am sure we can reach a lot more soon!
      Thank you for leaving your time zone - I will have to send a message to all the authors soon regarding a time!

      - Arctic

  2. My Time zone is central! It would be very convienent to have it in central time, because it is central, kinda in the middle of all the zones. People in other zones only have to add or subtract a hour to find what time it is in central time!
    Your buddy

    1. Good idea LulasSeal!

      I will definitely take this into consideration when we figure out a time!

      - Arctic

  3. YAY!!! 2,000,000 PAGE VIEWS!!! :D

    My time is Central. I know I just started reading and commenting but I would love to go to this party! ;)

    -lostfairy (buddy me if you want and maybe send me a Jam-a-Gram telling me that you buddied me from this. :P )

    1. Thank you for leaving your timezone! I am quite excited for this!

      - Arctic

  4. EST
    Too laaaaaaaazy to sign in

  5. Congrats on 2m! (kinda late....XD)
