Returning Lore

How was your week? I enjoyed mine, but I'm glad it's Saturday once again.
There's a few new items around Jamaa, and I found them. One is in the Diamond Shop, but it's not on the first page of items.
Also, if you go to The Hot Cocoa Hut, you can find the Silly Winter Hat.
I was reading the Jamaa Journal once again when I came across this part.
Heartstones? Didn't there used to be Spiritstones or something? AJHQ knows how to change up the name, but it looks like they're bringing back a little bit of lore. In the future, they could use Heartstones to decide more new animals. Do you think they will?
Also, before this post comes to an end, I wanted to tell you guys the Friendship Party is finally here. Some people don't know when it comes, so I'll give you guys a heads up.
Make sure to visit The Animal Jam Community again! And good luck if you are going to get Snow, because some places will be getting it next week.
Go find something new on AJ, have fun! Maybe you could uncover the latest glitch...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! I think it is very interesting that AJHQ is bringing back the old lore! I am very excited to see what is to come in the future!
