Friendship Bag and Jammer Sundae #53!

Greetings Jammers, Arctic here. How was your week so far?

Today's new item is sold in Jam Mart Clothing for 500 gems! Introducing the friendship bag! I think this is a creative and adorable new item, and I will definitely be buying one soon. The colour options are excellent, and I have nothing to say but good things about this item!

And now, it is time for:

The first animal that came to my head was penguins, so let's go with that for this week!

I see no difference between any of these penguins:
Sometimes you can just tell when someone has a motivation:
If penguins starred in Superhero movies:
Is it possible to be upset while looking at a penguin?
And now, it is time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Gambol: To skip or leap around playfully

What a lovely word!

Our fact of the day:
That is crazy!

Have a wonderful day, Jammers! I will see you tomorrow!

Feel free to contact me at !


  1. Whoa, who knew? I see penguins in such a different way now XD
