Introducing Our New Authors!

Greetings, Jammers, Arcticstar here! I have a wonderful announcement to make.

The entries are in, and I have chosen Animal Jam Community's three newest authors!

Please give a warm welcome to:

Penguin55544 (Penguin Boss)

Momsandy (General B)

Cerisewolf2014 (Rebel Queen)

I am terribly sorry if you did not make it as an author. That does not mean that you are not a talented writer. I had a very hard choice to make. I chose firstly by the style of writing that would be most suitable for that of this blog, and then, I filtered those down by who submitted first. Thank you to all of those that sent in their wonderful entries!

Have a lovely day, and be looking forward to a wonderful week with the new authors' exciting posts!

Questions? Ideas? Just want to chat? Contact me at !

1 comment:

  1. Hey Arcticstar, you might be able to remember me from 2014-ish, but i'm back!
