First Post!

         I'm Cerisewolf2014 and very excited to be in this blog!  I found this blog in September and loved it ever since. Enough with me already, lets get going to AJ.

   Featured Item: There is a new item in stores, and its called the... SNOW HAT! For 650 gems, you can get what looks to be a top hat with icicles and snow on top. Enjoy!
   News: None

     There is this weird thing that happens if I click on the Jammer wall. This is what happens:
       Is this happening to any others?(clarification: The number stuff not the members only thing) This is Cerisewolf2014 signing out. Still got to figure out how to add a signature but this will do for now. Jam on!


  1. Welcome to the AJC cerise! I like your post! I'm glad there are new authors to help with the blog now.
