
Whole Foods stopped selling rabbit meat! Sorry,  I'm just happy. I will update with the new item later.


  1. Why are you posting this here? This is an ANIMAL JAM blog, not about food or whatever.

    1. Well you need to read the whole post.

    2. Btw, are you saying rabbits are food?

    3. Actually rabbits are food for some people btw im not the person who wrote the first comment i just dont have a blogger account so thats why im anymous

    4. Annette, rabbits ARE food for most people. They have been bred for thousands of years as meat animals, and they still are in most of the world, while they became pets for a small minority just since a few decades. If you come to countries such as Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal and such, you will find that for every person who owns a pet rabbit there are ten others who regularly eat it.

    5. Anette is ferret btw lol

    6. They are the third most popular house pet. Small minority?

    7. Yes, small minority. Look at the statistics here: the third most popular house pet are fish. Stop listening to House Rabbit Society shit and look at the real statistics: https://www.avma.org/KB/Resources/Statistics/Pages/Market-research-statistics-US-pet-ownership.aspx Rabbits are the SIXTH pet in the USA, with just a 1,400,000 households, after dogs (43,000,000 households), cats (36,000,000 households), fish (7,700,000 households), birds (3,600,000 households) and even horses (1,700,000 households). There are just 3 million pet rabbits in the USA, with 300 millions American citizens... Let's not speak about Europe, because there they are even less of a pet, and WAY much more of a meat animal.

    8. p.s. Rabbits are also on ferrets' menu, you "ferretlover".

    9. Last two anons....
      I am a member of the hrs and, on behalf of us all, I think you should close your mouth (keyboard?)!

  2. Anonymous, Ferret can say that if she wants. Not trying to cause a fight, just saying.

    As for the rabbit meat, YAY! I can't BELIEVE people would eat rabbits! Animals I get, but why people?!

    1. ...just because rabbits are a common meat animal, just like pigs, cows and chicken. Ever been to Europe?

    2. I actually have rabbit meat often. It's quite good. And I have also had pet rabbits.
      But I eat rabbit just as often as I eat fish or beef or pork or mutton.

    3. Btw, in case it isn't clear, I have had rabbits at pets, but i haven't eaten pet rabbits. Just normal rabbits which are grown for meat.

    4. I am European, but none of my family have eaten bunnies.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I also am European, and I eat rabbits on a weekly basis. Pretty much everybody I know eat rabbits quite often, and I do not personally know anybody who owns a pet rabbit. Where I live, rabbit meat is sold in every store alongside chicken, and there aren't any retards staging protests or organizing boycott.

  3. That,was so random

  4. Ummmm.... My rabbit is the same breed as those MisterChunkyBuddy probably ate. Eating rabbits is wasteful, because they're tiny!

    1. The rabbits I eat are pretty big, but the ones I had as pets were small.

    2. My bunny is only 6 months, so still small, but he will be about the size of a Flemish Giant.

    3. No, it's the opposite. Eating beef is wasteful. The same amount of food and water required to produce 1 kg of beef meat can produce 4-6 kg of rabbit meat. Plus, rabbit meat has less fat and cholesterol, and more proteins.

  5. [img/http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TX5gV3Oye5I/TJ6_o6ngWQI/AAAAAAAACI0/O3jvfej1abI/s1600/Lewis1.JPG/img] is what you're eating.
