Rare Item Monday!

Greeetings, Jammers, Arcticstar here, and welcome to a new post!

Since it is Monday, we have a new Rare Item in store for us. Introducing the Rare Panda Hat! This is not a bad item. Despite the fact that it is a re-coloured item, I can say it is quite good! The price is amazing, only 650 gems, which is really cheap for a rare item! I can't say the colours are the best, as they don't make it look very much like a panda, but the colour of the eyes has really been chosen well. The green on the eyes make them pop, and I have to say I appreciate that! Be sure to buy one of these in the Conservation Museum!

And now it is time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Sempiternal: Eternal

What a lovely word to express such a long period of time!

Our fact of the day:

Snails can sleep for 3 years.

Talk about a long nap!

Happy Jamming!

Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !

1 comment:

  1. Man! I know someone in my family who would love to be a snail now...
