Rare Turkey Hat!


Today is Monday, and that means we have a rare item! Let's see what's in store for us, shall we?

First of all I would like to say: NON-MEMBER!!! Yes, we finally have a non-member rare, and it has been 10 weeks since the last one (I counted, and it wasn't even a new introduced rare, the last one being the re-introduced rare cupcake hat) So technically it has been 16 weeks since the last new non-member rare! It's been too long AJHQ! Alright, I am done with my mini-rant. Today we have the rare Turkey Hat in spirit of the feast of thanks! The only thing about this is, why is it in freedom colours? (well, sort of) Nonetheless, if you like this item, be sure to buy it for 700 gems in Jam Mart Clothing!

And now for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Gambol: To run or jump about playfully

Much like how an ebullient puppy would act!

Our fact of the day:

Apples, not caffeine (found in coffee) are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. 

Looks like it's time to get eating those apples!

Good day, and good smarts!

You may contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com


  1. Oh my gosh finally, non member rare! I agree its been WAY to long since the last nm rare. My sisters and I are very happy ^.^
