Ice Garden and Slide Glitch

Hey Jammers! Only 2 days left until Thanksgiving! What's your favorite food to eat? Tell us in the comments!

The new item today may be a bit early, but perfect for the weather lately! The Ice Garden! You can buy this frozen-getaway for 3,500 at Epic Wonders.

Also, the Daily Explorer posted about the Rare Item Monday, which was a Turkey Hat! Click here to see the awesome post by Arcticstar on it!

Very Cool!

Also, Arcticstar sent in an e-mail to me, about a sliding glitch! 

I often have this problem! Maybe our animals don't want to slide, or instead of sitting, then run! If that made no sense at all please ignore. 

Now for a video! It's a bit late, but I made a video about the Polar Bears! I did it with my sister, Foxes9. 

I had fun making it! :)

Well, that's all today Jammers. See you in Jamaa!
Contact me with questions and glitches at


  1. Unless I'm incorrect, is this the first time in a while that AJHQ decided to animate Rare Item Monday posts?

  2. hey mldriver! maybe u could of specified that it was American thanksgiving because Canadian thanksgiving was last month. just saying.......

  3. yay black Friday in only 2 days away!
