Epic Phantom Throne and Topaz Birthstone!

Greetings! I am afraid Mldriver will not be able to post today, and thus, I, Arcticstar, will be posting for you! Also, my apologies for the late post!

First, we have a new item sold for 2000 gems- The Epic Phantom Throne! This item is perfect for anyone with a phantom themed den. Buy this at Epic Wonders today!

We also have a returning item: the Topaz Birthstone! Get yours today at Epic Wonders!

Before we move onto the factual part of the post, I would like to ask you: How was Halloween? Good? I hope so. I stayed home this year to give out candy- it was equally as fun (if not more!).  I have a bit of Halloween history for you! Halloween used to be known as Hallows Eve and was not a celebration at all. Instead, people of the age believed that spirits and horrible things were lurking on one day alone, which turned out to be October 31st. Every Hallows Eve, people would dress up in costumes to supposedly "hide themselves" from the monsters in order to not be taken away into the realm of the monsters.

It is so interesting what you can find out about things!

And now, it is time for the factual part of the post:

The word of the day is.................

Kibosh: to put an end to something.

Cool word! Impress your friends today with your literary knowledge!

Next, our fact of the day:

Mosquito repellents don't repel the mosquitoes. Instead, they hide you. The repellent is able to block the sensors of the bug so that they don't know you are there.

Oh wow, I never knew that! I wonder how the chemical does that... Time to do more research!

Good Smarts!

Something to say? Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com


  1. Does that mean you'll be posting for for days in a row?

  2. My birthstone is a Topaz. My birthday is this Friday, on the 7th. Halloween was simply never a bad holiday. It was all an act of rumors.

  3. I love the October blog theme! Also glad to see you're posting ^_^

  4. October 2014 beat the record for views again, with over 116,000 views. And a couple days ago we had over 5,000 views in a day, which is a record. Good job team, your doing great!


    1. Wow that's pretty great! I am glad to be apart of this. :)

  5. Fabulous post today Arcticstar!

    We ended up getting our power back around 12 am. It was kinda sad that I was waking up every hour waiting for the internet to come back on. And I am willing to post for you tomorrow or Monday if you would like.

    1. Thanks! It is great that you got your power back! Tomorrow is Jammer Sundae so I am going to stick to it ):D I wouldn't want to ask you to post on Monday when I am perfectly capable of doing it, so don't worry- I can handle it! Thanks for offering though!

  6. Hi does anyone have, know or want to trade for this throne??

    1. Have:If you have it wanna trade for it?
      Know: Where to get it?
      Want: to trade for it?
