Frankenstein Mask!

Update from Pumaa: Happy Halloween! I've made a special phantom theme for today! Comment your opinions below!

Greetings! I hope you are having a great week so far! Let's get posting shall we?

Today in the land of Jamaa we have a lovely returning item: The Frankenstein Mask! FINALLY!! Something that is non member! Buy this for 300 gems at Jam Mart Clothing!

And now, it's time for the factual part of the post!

Our word for today is:

Candor: the quality of being open and honest in expression.

Hmm, there are so many words I do not even know- it is exciting whenever I learn a new word!

Next, our fact:

The Statue of Liberty was originally intended to be for Egypt.

I never knew that! It is a great symbol of the U.S.A, and it would be quite strange if it was in Egypt. Cool stuff!

Adventure Awaits!

Something to say? Go ahead! You are more than welcome to contact me at


  1. Sweetpanda56789 Not Signed InOctober 31, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    I like the new theme a lot!!!

  2. The new template is AWESOME!

  3. I love how your site changes its theme by what holiday it is but it is also realated to my favorite game.... ANIMAL JAM!!!!!!
