Greely Portrait and Back to School Stuff!

Hello Jammers! How are you? Good? Let's get talking!

Today in the wonderful world of Jamaa we have a new item. And what exactly is this item, you ask? Let's find out!

Ah, a Greely Portrait you say? Have you noticed that all the portrait has something that belongs to the shaman on it? Someday someone should make a shaman portrait contest. I am still in belief that the Liza portrait comes first place for creepiness! Move along!

Today I am asking you, how is school? For many people (including myself) school started yesterday. It was... rather stressful to be honest, but nonetheless good! I am also aware that for others, school started much earlier! Leave a comment below telling me how school is going and when it starts/started!

Finally I have a school tip for you guys! Here we are:

Tip: Even if you may not be the biggest fan of school, for any reasons, you should be well aware that you still must attend! Therefore, though it may be hard and you may not always "wake up on the right side of the bed", tackle each day with confidence! I find that slumping over and sighing all day during school does not improve your mood in any way. Be as happy as possible!

Adventure Awaits

If you have anything to tell/ask me whether it's codes, glitches, questions, comments, or Jammer Sundaes, feel free to contact me at  I would be happy to reply to you and/or feature it on one of my blog posts!


  1. Contest at 1,000,000 views? hmmm...

  2. HEY PPLZ!
    I MET 1 OF JULAN2'S ACCOUNTS GUESS WHAT ill stop with the caps now he is such a butt he said "there is no one there get lost owl and get some hearing aids" to me such a butt AND when i said "YOU ARE RUINING THE IMAGINATION OF 8 YEAR OLDS LIKE ME!" and wanna knw what he said ok here ys go!"I DONT CARE I HOT ALL OF THE PLAYERS IN JAMAA GET A LIFE!" so ya he is a BIG but if you have any qestions or comments plz do reply oh and pumaa PLZ reply i love your blog its too awesome for human words.

    1. what was the user? because julian2 only has one account i think.. but i feel very sorry for u :(

    2. I bet that is probably a lie. Many people hate Julian, but Julian is not such a bad person after all!

  3. Will Pumaa and TheSlidoo ever post too?

    School starts tomorrow!!

    1. A while back Mldriver and I asked the same question. For now, slidoo and pumaa will be managing the blog itself while mldriver and I handle the item posts!

  4. -.- I can't use the Trading Post because to make an account you need an email! So um, I'm going to post here...

    I have a long pink collar and I'm looking for a long blue collar for it. Any deals? XD

    1. my friend has a long blue collar but im not sure if she wants to trade it away.. if i get a long blue collar i might make a deal :)

    2. I really want a rare spike or nr headress it my dream btw headress is coming back!!!

  5. I really want to get all alpha portraits :3

  6. Theese portraits are creepy no offence but they are cool though I love the frames

  7. The pics are cool and the frames!!!
