Graham Portrait and Item Spotlight

Hiya Jammers!
Today is my first day of school, wish me luck! >.<

At Jam Mart Furniture we have the Graham Portrait!

Well this one isn't as bad. I like how the frame is decorated. Now we need Greely to complete our collection. 

Next I want to start a segment called Item Spotlight. Every Tuesday I write about an item in Animal Jam. It could be a den item or a clothing item. 

This week's Item Spotlight is the Stone Sword!

I was looking around on the internet and discovered this! It looks pretty cool. I'm guessing you can get these from the Eagle Adventure. Only a few Jammers have them. Just like the Horse Coin, these are REALLY rare. They look like an Epic Wonders item. How do you guys feel about Animal Jam bringing weapons into the game?

Moving on, the DE posted about Rare Item Monday:

This item is really neat. I wish that AJHQ created more underwater RIMS. Nobody plays in the ocean anymore..

That's all for today Jammers! 
What would you like to see in Item Spotlight? 

Contact me with any tips, glitches or questions here:


  1. Good luck with school! I start on Monday.

    1. i feel fine with it and go to greely poertit page to see about how i meet julian2

  2. It is also my first day of school! >.< Ok that stone sword looks interesting. Swords like these are really fun to use on outfits. Hopefully, I'll try to get one. Maybe they might get released in stores! The only problem about weapons like these is that they can cause violence when RP-ing with them. The thing I like is using weapons for your outfits so you can look like a warrior, hunter, etc.


  3. Well, I started school like on July! Geez! Yeah, I entered school somewhat rough 21 July 2014. (If that's not Monday, then it's probably... Wait. I think that's Monday.)

    School isn't that bad with Summer and Winter break, is it?

  4. I'm starting today, too!

  5. I'm also starting today! Great post!

  6. The stone sword is a very interesting item... I hear someone named neonbow owns a stone sword. O.O The Graham portrait looks ok, but I wonder the Greely one will look like. Um, maybe the horse coin the the item spotlight? I start school Thursday.

  7. I really like the idea of AJ bringing weapons into the game, Mainly because i'm a major role player so i like things like these!
    I also really like the Graham portrait, i think it's decorated nicely!

  8. The horse coin is cool. My friend had it in her den

  9. Grahm portrait is cool oh btw I like the border :P
    I have a few rare parricide couch's.

    1. Wow im the most typo person!!!

    2. Yes I am I have would be a billion are for making typos!
