Clover Blanket

Hey Jammers! Today's returning (nonmember) item is the Clover Cape in Jam Mart Clothing!

Another glitch many Jammers have been seeing is that when you enter Sunken Treasures, sometimes everything turns black:

Also, some of you may not have noticed the new Eagle badge that you can wear on your animal!

Well, that's all for now. I will be working on a green theme for this blog, but I will only keep it up for a week or so, around Lucky Day.



  1. This is AWESOME! I lost my membership a few days ago and ever since, hav been impatient 4 this particular item to make a comeback! YAY!

  2. awesome Emma K, Congrats on getting first also

  3. I like today's item, it is non member finally. That is definitely a strange water glitch. yay for new eagle badges

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. @RandonPerson

      STOP ADVERTISING! This is very rude to the people who made this site! If you want to advertise, buy a spot to put the advertisements! Not only is this rude, but it's spamming the blog! Please keep this blog a clean, spam-free blog!

  5. I've never really been a big fan of these. They're just kinda...I dunno...not my style. ;b


  6. Pumaa? Do you think I could join the site? If you're unsure, please check out my AJ blog. I've been posting for a long time, but if not, I understand.

    1. I think they are ok, I wouldn't wear them all of the time though

  7. Hey Pumaa! I know this isn't related to the post, but I was just wondering how you deleted the "Are you a robot" form in the comments. Several Jammers told me to do that on my blog and it'd be really great if you can tell me. Thanks. (

    1. Go to blogger > click your blog > settings > posts and comments > word verification > select "no".

    2. Thank you! That's helpful for me too!
