Clover Balloons & Appondale Tree

Click here to enter a trivia contest! Last day to enter!

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the Clover Balloons in Jam Mart Furniture.

Many Jammers have been noticing that you can no longer climb up the tree in Appondale:

Now only Eagles can get up there. Why do you think they blocked it off? Also, about Eagles. Don't you think its a little strange that they can sit in the middle of the sky?

To me, this just seems like laziness on AJHQ's part. It wouldn't be too hard to make it only possible to sit down if you were over land or a tree.

Jam on!



  1. Hey jammers! I am giving away my account, click here to apply in a contest for it! ^.^

    Happy jamming!


  2. what? I am going to enter but are you the real snowyclaw

    1. Snowy will never give away her account. This guy or girl is trying to get attention by showing a link to (maybe) a virus or another bad thing it can do to your actual account or computer. Many peeps might've clicked it since they thought they can get rares and be popular as a "Snowyclaw". -.-

      Don't even try to click that link whatever you do. It's not the real Snowyclaw AT ALL. If she's giving out her account then she can tell us in her blog, not anonymously in another blog or hers. That's an imposter for sure.


      Anonymous for now.

    2. It's a link to a totally random YouTube video, not a virus.

    3. Well, whatever it is, it's a lie. :I

      Same Anonymous

    4. Oh shucks! Hah hah! You got me ya little bugger!

    5. thanks for the warning anonymous but it is just a link to a really strange utube vid

  3. I love today's item and yaya it is nm!! I don't know why but the clover balloons are one of my favorite lucky day items. I think that we have already established that aj is lazy lol. I actually used to like hanging out in that tree bummer that is is only eagles now.

  4. Ooohhh, I like today's item! :)

    1. Totally! It's soooo adorable! It will go nicely in my den.


    2. Yeah its awesome.

  5. AJ is so lazy :L but at least you can be in the sky!
