Heart Chocolates & AJHQ Typo

Hey Jammers! You should check out the new AJ Petition (it's about the new chat rules), hopefully we can convince them to change it back!

Today's new item is the returning Heart Chocolates! You can find them in Jam Mart Furniture.

These have been around since the very first Friendship Festival in 2011! By clicking the lid, you can chose whether to leave the box open or shut.

It seems that AJHQ didn't work too hard on the GIF I posted about yesterday (check it out here). Not only is it too fast to read, but there is a fairly obvious typo:

Do you see it? The spelled animal like "anmimal"! Thanks xxtigerforeverxx for noticing this. Oh well, I guess they can't be perfect.

There is some cool news I will post today, but it's important enough that it deserves it's own post. Check back this afternoon for that.



  1. Mmm heart chocolates...that sounds really good right now. x3

    1. lol Heart choclate is beta right and btw I dont see the typo I dont even know how to spell animals oh wait I do!

  2. Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful post. Many thanks for
    supplying this info.

    Here is my page as explained here

  3. ikr I am so hungry and all I get is cereal lol

  4. I actually like the item today, and how you can open and close it but I thought it was beta? Yeah, that is one of the first typos I have seen ajhq make because they are usually good about that sort of thing. This petition is a great idea, you already have a lot of signatures and all. and oooh I wonder what the cool news will be!

    1. I like the item too! :) And, actually, the Heart Chocolates have come out every year around Valentine's Day! Crazy, huh?

    2. yeah, I actually wish they would make some new stuff but whatever

  5. need someone to comment, soooooo bored.

    1. Well I'm commenting now so... And heck yea! I wants some chocolate!!!!

    2. yay thanks for commenting. I just had some gummy bears and that should do for me lol

    3. Ooohhh, gummy bears! 8D

    4. I know right, gummy gummy gummy gummy gummy bears, I love them so much

  6. Did you guys know that if you do the adventure Return of the phantoms hard mode, then if you click the 5th treasure chest at the end you almost always get a beta, rare, worn, or pirate sword.

    1. Oh, sweet! Thanks for the info. ;)

    2. sure, I just got a rare freedom mask.

  7. I think AJHQ was spot on the speed. I think a .gif should go at a certain fast-paced speed to be considered a .gif, so I don't blame them for that.

    1. True, but I don't think a gif should go so fast you can barely read it. But that is just my opinion!

    2. I agree with both of you guys. A GIF is supposed to go somewhat fast, but not so fast that you don't have any time to read the thing. ;)

  8. AJHQ has been making a lot of mistakes lately. First the birthstone, then this... I wonder what's next?

  9. lol yeah, at least they finally fixed the birthstone.

  10. Good Post ! about Heart Chocolates now you can send flowers and chocolate delivery to your loved ones.

  11. ANI mimial :O LESS ANIMALS!
