Friendship Necklaces, Glitches and New Codes

Hey Jammers! Happy Friendship Day! You can use that overall view of the Friendship Party for anything you want, you don't have to give credit.

Two new matching items have been added to Jam Mart Clothing, the Right Frienship Necklace and the Left Friendship Necklace.

I'm glad nonmembers can buy this item! It's kind of strange that they are sold as two separate items, rather than as different "colors" of the same item (which is how they did it in the past). Anyway, here are the colors of one of them, since they both have the same colors.

Next up we have a strange glitch that has been happening to wolves. If they sit southeast, their eyes disapear!

Other people can see it, too. It's a little creepy, seeing a bunch of wolves with no eyes. Also, yesterday AJHQ sent out a strange note:

So, because it's Thursday, we should feel the need to wear a tie and march around the Mira Statue? I don't understand AJHQ sometimes...

Finally, there are three new codes added to the Codes Page! Now there is a total of 3,600 gems you can earn from codes. Also, from now on, whenever there is a new code I will give it a "new!" label so that Jammers know whether they have used it or not.

That's all for today!



  1. Strange. :/ But nice background-thing! How did you do ot? Was it just empty?

    You don't have to tell me.


    1. I waited until everyone left the party. ;)

    2. oh that was smart so you didn't get anyone in the pic!

    3. What @Kalina Abaturov said. ;)

    4. That must have taken a long time. XD

  2. Hey, Pumaa--You are MetroLeafs' brother, right? Do you know why he quit AJ? I miss him, and his farewell wasn't very clear to me. :(

    Nice overall view! You did a good job. c:

    1. I'm not sure if he really quit AJ or not. I know he plays Minecraft a lot more now, and I tink still posts on his art blog.

    2. Metro is your brother?! O-O There's a lot of things I didn't know about you.

    3. Yeah, and Fuzzy Shy Ivy is TheSlidoo's sister. :-)

    4. =O Whoa! Lol, I had no idea! ;)

  3. I actually like the item today, it is cute and fun! They are cool to wear with your buddies! That is a cool glitch with the eyes! Oh yeah, before I forget, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! That's also a good idea for the codes thing!

  4. Um, what kind of person puts on a tie/scarf and marches around the statue of Mira? O-o

    1. no clue, that would look really weird!

    2. It would look really weird, lol. ;)

  5. Most of the time the wolf glitch will go away if u stay sitting 4 a little bit.

  6. The necklace looks really cute and creative, but the colors are awfully dull. o-o Does anyone else feel the same way? Idk... they just don't seem very bright and festive.

    1. I totally agree! I think they should have made them more vividly colored--maybe neon colors? That would be cool. :)

    2. But I totally love the Friendship Necklace in Black. It's has a rock-n'-roll-slash-heartbreaker kind of vibe for me. The White one does have the same aura for me, but Black is better. :)

    3. I agree they are sort of dull, and neon colors would look awesome.

    4. Yeah, AJ should make neon colors. >:U


  7. Yes, they are pretty dull.
