Clover Necklace

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Hey Jammers! Today's new Lucky Day item is the Clover Necklace, which can be found in Bahari Bargains.

While exploring the different rooms in Animal Jam, I found this in the Medical Center:

Do you see it? The letters in that chart spell out the Alpha's names! From top to bottom it says Greely, Liza, Cosmo, Graham, and Gilbert! The rest is too small for me to read, but I'm sure its the rest of the Alpha's names. I love how there are so many little details in Animal Jam that you can find.

Lastly, I was wondering what everybody thought of doing another Comment Contest for the month of March. Do you think we should do a Comment Contest every month, every other month, or something else? If we didn't do it every month, there are other types of contests we could do, like trivia. Also, there could be a little contest every week, rather than a big contest every month. Anyway, it would be great if you could comment what you think would be best!



  1. I think that we should do it every month so different people get the chance to win. It is a great idea, I love it. Today's item is actually pretty cute just weird underwater. I never noticed that medical center thing, that is awesome. Which alpha is Gilbert again?

    1. I think it's weird that the item is underwater too. I think it would be a better on-land item.

  2. Well, the contest ends tomorrow and I think we all know who is going to win, me!!!, no jk! Congrats xxtigerforeverxx, you did amazing with the comments.

    1. Aww you are waaay too kind. Don't give up yet, there's still a chance you could win! :)

    2. After all, you are in 2nd place right now. ;)

    3. thanks, you are very kind too, but I am like 200 comments away from yo right now and i have a gymnastics competition today (again) so I won't have much time to comment!! So I officially give up now, congrats!! :)

  3. I think the theme of the contest should change, instead of posting the most comments. Some people read blogs, but don't comment (like me), and it would be unfair to them. A trivia contest would be nice.

    1. actually that's true, I am not much of a commenter sometimes, just reading the post and comments. I think you are right maybe a trivia contest every other month.

    2. Yeah, a trivia contest would be cool! :)

  4. I like clickers. They are pretty.

    1. Sorry I meant clickers

    2. Wait what? Clickers!!!!

    3. No stop stop my comments! Where are they going? And CLOVERS!!!

    4. Erm, clickers?

    5. I totally know what clickers means (not)

  5. Replies
    1. Bahaha, I have no idea what @Anonymous means either. ;)

    2. I meant to say clovers... comments kept getting deleted. Lol

  6. I think a contest every month would be fun! :) But, if you did another comment contest, would the winner of the past month's contest be able to participate?

    1. I don't know, I like the idea of the comment contest but the winner (hint, hint you) will keep winning every time I just know it! lol

  7. That is such a cool discovery! I can't believe I looked at it for a while before and never noticed...

    I have a contest on my blog! The prize isn't too good, but I might change them! Please check it out if you guys have time at

  8. I think maybe a trivia contest. Maybe about animals or things you have posted. Or, little details about animal jam like the eye thingy XD….I am not that good at comment contests.

  9. I like the Comment Contests but I think that if we switch every month (or week, whatever) to different contests that wld b rlly fun 2!

  10. Clover items sorry it was a typo
