Hockey Sticks

Hey Jammers! Today AJHQ has added to the collection of winter sports items in Jamaa with the release of Hockey Sticks!

I'm pretty sure these items are for the Winter Olympics. I think this is the last item in that set, though, the only sport I can think of that they haven't added is curling. :p

Also, there is a new Jammer Snaps on The Daily Explorer!

This one sounds fun, I think I might enter.  As a side topic, I noticed something on the map of Jamaa. Every land (excluding oceans) has a shop except for Crystal Sands.

Do you think they should add a shop to Crystal Sands? What should it be like? I wish they would add a little shop to Captain Melville's Juice Hut. Wouldn't that be cool? You can comment your opinions. :)



  1. I don't think they should add a shop to Captain Melville's Juice Hut. It's one of the few places with no items to sell. It's pretty historic.

    1. I agree. I think it would be better off if they added a shop to Tierney's Aquarium instead. :)

    2. Yeah! What can they even sell there?

  2. Well, the more historic part is the Old Crystal Sands. Someone liked my idea and emailed it to AJHQ (I think). It was so beautiful with expensive cliffs. I think they're shouldn't be a shop. Who knows? The shop might have human stuff if it is released!

    I don't like the "human" idea of the Winter Olympics equipment. I just wish that AJHQ can sell items that look like the beta items. Or bring them back!


    1. But if animals can fight phantoms with swords, why can't they play winter sports? :p

    2. I'm just saying that AJHQ should've made those items more Jamaasian. Just saying! :3


    3. I think it's like "american" or "Australian" but it's "jamaasian".

      I'm pretty sure it's Snowyclaw's made up word for the animals of Jamaa.

    4. I meant what does everyone mean by it. Like everyone says we need more "Jamaa Spirit" but most have no clue what they are talking about. :p

    5. By Jamaasian do you mean like made out of wood and rock? I do like that style.

    6. Hmm. I don't really mind the "human" items, but that's just my opinion. :)

    7. @Pumaa
      Jamaasian probably means something which looks like it's from Jamaa (the AJ world) or is Jamaasian...

  3. Finally someone has figured out these items are most likely because of the Olympics, all everyone else does is complain about them.
    ~ dooda123

  4. Sledding is a winter Olympic sport, they don't have any sledding equipment yet.

    1. Yeah their are tons of different sledding-like sport in the Winter Olympics, I think AJHQ will just stick with the sled they already made.

    2. Sleds would be cool. :)

  5. Yep.

    I thought you read Snowy's blog so you'll know what it means. :P


    1. That was supposed to be a reply for the comments about "Jamaasian" on top.


  6. I'd like to see a shop in Captain Melville's juice hut. i kinda wanna see den items, like flippers or clothing like a snorkeling mask. I also wanna see some items in the aquarium like the things she talks about in her videos (ex. scuba mask (den)).

    1. That would be cool! I like your ideas for the shop in Captain Melville's Juice Hut. :)

  7. Maybe they could do some kind of "gift shop" thing in Tierney's Aquarium! They could sell things like ocean-animal plushies, t-shirts (for your animal to wear), and other souvenirs (which would be little nick-knacks you could put in your den).
