Giant Snowy Paw Print and Animal Glitches

Hey Jammers! Today another brand new item has been released in Jam Mart Furniture: the Giant Snowy Paw Print.

It's a three-toed big foot! Wow, AJHQ has been making lot's of weird items lately. These items are fun, but I wish they would make more of the awesome clothing items they used to make (like Mech Angel Helmets and Legendary Gloves, for example).

Also, it seems AJ is being very glitchy lately. Here is a crazy glitch sent in by binman601.

Ocean animals in a land den, invisible animals, everything seems to be messed up! Here is another one that has been happening, sent in by Metroleafs.

Some animals are appearing extra small! That Arctic Wolf is tinier than a little penguin! It looks like it's in the same position as animals are when they play Sky High, I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Do you think these glitches are fun, or are they just plain annoying? Many Jammers like glitches, but AJHQ sure doesn't, and I'm sure they are working hard to fix these.

If you see any glitches, take a screenshot and send it to to be featured on the blog!



  1. AJHQ will allow glitches if it seems fun to the Jammers and if it won't bother anyone. I know they mentioned it in the help section of the site. I miss new clothing items too. I'm not interested in the recent items and den items these days just don't match up to my expectations. But it's really our choice, because we're the ones giving them suggestions.

    1. Well, they did patch up the flying glitches, and everyone loved those. But I know what you mean.

    2. I agree. I wish that AJHQ would come out with some brand new clothing items versus old ones that everybody already knows about.

    3. I totally agree! like i liked the look of the beta days, sure, but i just wish that AJHQ would finally fully release the healing staff and not make u pay $71 like seriously?! thats pathetic making jammers pay for an item that is theirs becuase they won it!

  2. i love the small glictch

  3. Lol I love the flying tiger glitch!!!!

  4. I've seen that glitch before. I thought it was just my computer though, considering my computer glitches ALL the time. I guess it wasn't! :)

  5. I saw the underwater den glitch once in an epic den, but I was an invisible bunny!! It looked like I was in Crystal Reef but there were no water animals. Only me, an invisible lion and a few tigers that were tiny and looked like they were running away.

    1. Haha, that's really odd! Sounds cool though. ;)

  6. Once I saw this glitch in the underwater furniture shop where everything was black except for a chair, a surfboard and a treasure chest. I couldn't move and some people there were invisible. They said it looked normal to them.

    1. Huh. Must've just been your computer glitching then, I guess?

  7. That glitch is so funny! XD
    Made me giggle!
