This isn't a Contest

It seems there has been some arguing going on in the comments around the blog. Some of you may remember me (Pumaa) from my old blog Jammer Central. On that blog, I have to admit, I wasn't very nice. I did say some things I wish I could take back about other Animal Jam bloggers.

I have done my best to remove those posts. You have to remember, I was younger then. I didn't really mean the things I said, many of my posts there were joking. If I ever jokingly insulted anyone, I apologize. I did quit that blog, because I have changed. Re-joining Animal Jam Community has given me a chance for a fresh start.

I hold no grudges against anyone on Animal Jam, and I say that honestly. Some anonymous commenter who thought I was insulting another blog told me "this isn't a contest", and I totally agree. Animal Jam blogging should be for fun. So, can we just get over our silly prejudices and move on? Please?



  1. You are very right about that.

    ~Avvy G too lazy to sign in

  2. Oooh, tisk. Drama >:D
    Sorry. Joking. Ignore me ;)

    1. I just want to finish off any drama that people are trying to start here...

  3. I 4give u. Wen I was younger I was like that 2... Until I accepted God as my savior and now I'm changed! Hallelujah!

    1. That is so very true. :) The moment you accept Christ as your Savior you are a completely new, completely different person.

  4. Ummm... Do you really think you should be talking about Christian topics on a blog where anybody can look? 'Cause I have a friend who does not celebrate his birthday, Christmas, Halloween, etc. etc. He does not believe in God or Christ or any of that stuff. I do though. But still, You probably shouldn't talk about it on this blog...
