
Hi again,
A few days ago I was trading and there was a weird glitch:
When I put my cursor over the item I was trading, it showed up as 'Tooltip'. What in the world is a Tooltip? Is that an item coming out soon, or just a mistake? Comment if you have any ideas!


  1. mysteryhorse that happens to almost every jamme just an FYI lol


  2. that happens
    if you scrolled over a clothing item before you scrolled over the tail armor it shows up as the item that you scrolled over before

  3. Someone trade me a different color Tail Armor, so I looked on their trade list, it was a blank square, but I scrolled my mouse over it and it said tooltip. That was the only item on the list, and someone else saw it to. I was a Non Member and so was the person below me.

  4. Actually guys... there is a new thing called rare tail armors and non rare tail armors. The on rare kinds are called tooltips.. its not a glitch at all..

  5. Actually guys... there is a new thing called rare tail armors and non rare tail armors. The on rare kinds are called tooltips.. its not a glitch at all..

  6. That happens all the time. If theres nothing else on the trade list, most of the time it says tooltip instead of tail armor. Only a few times has it come up as tail armor..

  7. i got a white tooltip but its all glitchy whenever i scroll over an item and then i scroll over the tooltip the tooltip comes up as that item

  8. This also happened to me. I put my mouse over it and it said Tooltip and it also said Ranged attack +20 and Fierce +20.

  9. That always happens 2 me. Mayb not always "Tooltip" but some of my items hav done that b4!

  10. Well, tooltips aren't a glitch. I think they are pretty rare nowadays, you could get a lot out of them!

  11. Hmm, weird. Also on Jam A Grams, they sometimes have numbers instead of words :3

  12. i will trade a black glove a rare top hat and two nm swords i am hiya123abc please get back to me!

  13. In that time the purple beta tail was worth more / the same than the silver rare bow omg
