Ruin Walls

Hello Jammers! Brimad8 here! There is a cool new item today. It looks like this:
Ruin Walls! It looks just like the ruin path except it is for a wall not a floor. Maybe there is going to be a new den called Ruins or something. What do you think? Comment your thoughts on the item and if there is going to be a Ruins den. This item can be found on the 1st page of Jam Mart Furniture. Well, that's all the new items for today! Have an EPICLY EPIC day Jammers!


  1. hey brimad ! how do u made ur sign??

  2. Well I used Paint. I just found that picture and cropped it to look like that. Then I pasted it on Paint and wrote my user on it. Pretty simple if you ask me. But, some other Jammers might say something different. Just letting ya know!

  3. O my gods! It would b AWESOMELY EPIC! A Ruins Den?! SOO COOL!
